Currently your account is set to Slab 1 (see the domains tab in Reseller Area). At the beginning of coming week we will change your Slab to a Slab with similar pricing to the Slab that you have now at ResellerClub.If currently are in the Base Slab, your Slab will be: 1
If currently are in the Slab 1, your Slab will be: 3 (Slab 2 in India), $ 9.63 for a .com
If currently are in the Slab 2, your Slab will be: 5 (Slab 4 in India) , $ 9.27 for a .com
If currently are in the Slab 3, your Slab will be: 7 (Slab 6 in India) , $ 8.91 for a .com
After the migration of your domains the total number of domains OR the deposit you make will also determine your Slab. Your slab is either based on your total number of domains or the value of the last deposit you made.
Example 1: if you have 1000+ domain names, your Slab will be Slab 8.
Example 2: if you have 500+ domain names, but you make a deposit of $ 3500 our Slab also will be Slab 8.
Example 3: if you have 2500+ domains your Slab will be Slab 10 - if you have much more domains we are able to negotiate.
But if your next deposit is $ 100 than Slab 7 will be applied again (based on the 500+ domain names you have). Please check for more details.
Payment methods
We are currently working on additional payment methods, such as Webmoney or Cashu. These will be implemented in time for you to make a payment towards your balance (latest the 5th of November).
We will update as soon as you can make payments with us.
Balances and Deposits
If the address of your company is in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria than your balance from ResellerClub will be imported (added) in to the system of Resello, after the 5th of November.
If your business is located outside of these countries, than your balance will not be migrated.
In both cases we advice to make a deposit as soon as possible. We will update as soon as you can make payments with us.