LinuxCBT IPv6 Edition focuses exclusively on the burgeoning Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).
The coursework explores IPv6 implementation on today’s mainstream Network Operating Systems (NOSs), including: GNU/Linux, Solaris, Windows and Cisco IOS.
Given the imminent depletion of globally-unique 32-bit IPv4 addresses, and mandates set by the US Government with respect to IPv6-backbone-compliancy by Q2 2008 for government agencies, Information Technology (IT) Network/Systems Engineers/Administrators/Integrators/Directors/etc., are tasked with preparing their backbones and applicable infrastructure(VLANs/DMZs/etc.) to support Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).
LinuxCBT IPv6 Edition will prepare you and/or organization to comfortable integrate IPv6 into your production environments, without negatively impacting IPv4 services.
* Network - Visio Drawing - Topology Overview
o Explore classroom environment
o Discuss the protocols used
o Identify key infrastructure devices
o Explain network topology - Visio
o Discuss the IPv4 RFC-1918 Intranet & DMZ configuration
o Download and install NMap IPv4/IPv6 network scanning utility
o Query Intranet
hosts using NMap
* Open Systems Interconnect (
OSI) & TCP/IP|DOD Networking Models
o Discuss the OSI model
o Identify key IP-related services at various layers of the OSI model
o Explain Protocol Data Unit (PDU) framing at various OSI levels
o Discuss the DOD model
o Correlate TCP/IP|DOD model to the OSI model
o Identify and discuss key IPv4 layers of both networking models
o Identify and discuss key IPv6 layers of both networking models
* IPv4 Features & Limitations
o Discuss the history of IPv4
o Explain the flow of traffic in a typical IPv4 environment
o Explain IPv4 multiplexing
o Discuss Network Address Translation (NAT)
o Discuss classful and classless IPv4 addresses
o Explain the role subnet masks play in network delineation
o Discuss Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
o Discuss IPv4 Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP)
o Decode OSI layers (2-7) using ‘tcpdump’ packet sniffer/logger
* IPv6 Features
o Discuss the expanded bit-range used to define source/destination IPv6 addresses
o Explain the hierarchial nature of IPv6 prefixes
o Discuss the typical /48 organizational globally-unique prefix
o Explain typical ISP prefix assignments
o Discuss minimum Message Transfer Units (MTUs)
o Discuss automatic configuration of IPv6-enabled hosts - local|
o Explain NAT & ARP obsolescence in an IPv6 environment
o Discuss primary IPv6 address types - Unicast|
o Describe the role multicast plays in solicitations/advertisments & reduced congestion
o Explain how layer-4 protocols (TCP/UDP) are implemented
o Identify Hexadecimal address representation
* Hexadecimal Conversions
o Analyze and discuss typical link local address auto-configured by IPv6
o Discuss the range of HEX characters
o Compare and contrast the boundaries of IPv6 and IPv4 addresses
o Explain some of the caveats of using decimal to represent IPv6 addresses
o Compare and contrast HEX and decimal character ranges
o Outline the rules for converting from decimal to HEX
o Translate decimal values to HEX
o Translate IPv4 broadcast address to HEX
o Convert IPv4 publicly routable address to a 6-to-4 IPv6 address
o Outline the rules for converting from HEX to decimal
o Translate HEX nibbles to decimal equivalent
* IPv6 Addressing - Colon Hexadecimal Notation
o List key IPv6 address rules
o Expand a 6-to-4 globally-unique IPv6 address to its full 128-bit representation
o Segment the 6-to-4 globally-unique IPv6 address into key sections
o Discuss the key sections of 6-to-4 IPv6 address with respect to routing and host identification
o Explain the rules and benefits of using Zero-compression with IPv6 addresses
o Identify unique IPv6 addresses and correlate to IPv4 - i.e. Loopback/Socket
o Identify and discuss 48-bit MAC addresses
o Explain the significance of MAC addresses in forming unique EUI-64 IPv6 addresses
o Discuss link local address limitations
o Identify key IPv6 sockets
o Use ‘ping6′ and ‘ICMPv6′ to communicate with various IPv6 addresses
o Identify the number of bits available for subnets and hosts
* IPv6 Header
o Discuss the benefits of a concise, fixed-length header
o Identify the characteristics of key IPv6 header fields
o Compare and contrast IPv4 and IPv6 headers
o Explain the benefits of extension headers
o Discuss how fragmentation is handled in IPv6
* ICMPv6 - Header & Applications
o Define ICMP
o Explain ICMPv6 applications
o Discuss ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND)
o Compare & contrast Neighbor Discovery to Address Resolutipn Protocol (ARP)
o List examples of ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 debugging utilities
o Explain levels of ICMPv6 messages
o Discuss important ICMPv6 error messages
o Compare and contrast ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 headers
o Use ‘tcpdump’ to decode ICMPv6 - Neighbor/Router Discoveries/Solicitations
o Explore ICMPv6’s usage of multicast IPv6 addresses
o Discuss the role of Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) in IPv6 address conflict resolution
o Explain and explore neighbor tables
o Install RDesktop - RDP - Terminal Services client
o Connect to Windows Host in DMZ and attempt to communicate using Link Local IPv6 address
* Dual Protocol (IPv4 & IPv6) Stacks
o Discuss the pros and cons of dual protocol stacks
o Identify the independent stacks at various OSI layers
o Identify distinct IPv4 and IPv6 tools
o Enumerate and discuss the supported tunneling mechanisms in a dual-stack environment
o Explore default IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables
o Identify key unicast and multicast routing entries
o Explore IPv6 stacks on Linux | Windows | Solaris
* Common IPv6 Prefixes/Subnets
o Define IPv6 Prefixes/Subnets
o Compare and contrast IPv4 subnets with IPv6 prefixes
o Identify key prefixes - loopback, link local, site local, ISP, ISP-assigned /48, /64 Unique Host
o Discuss how router configuration and advertisments influence host configuration
o Discuss multicast prefixes
* Link Local Prefixes and Addresses
o Indicate the standard Link Local prefix
o Analyze standard Link Local addresses
o Emphasize Link Local MAC address relationship - EUI-64
o Explain features and limitations of Link Local addresses
o Configure Cisco router with IPv6 support
o Confirm broadcast domain connectivity from DMZ and internal perspectives
* Intra Site Automatic Tunneling Protocol (ISATAP) Implementation
o Define ISATAP tunneling
o Provide examples of ISATAP applications
o Identify current IPv4 - globally unique address
o Create 6-to-4 globally unique IPv6 address for use in ISATAP configuration
o Configure Cisco router with ISATAP and globally-unique prefix
o Configure Windows server to use ISATAP
o Test IPv6 routing via ISATAP from Windows, Linux, Cisco and Solaris
* IPv6 Intranet Routing Using 6-to-4 Globally-Unique Prefixes
o Distinguish between privileged and non-privileged uses
o Identify the default shell for a given user
o Discuss features of BASH
o Execute BASH
o Discuss pseudo-terminals and how to identify connected terminals
o Modify user’s accounts to default to BASH using shell & SMC
o Use ’su’ to switch users
o Explore key BASH commands
o Focus on BASH input, output, and error redirection
o Explore BASH command chaining
o Use logical BASH operators (&&, ||) to control program logic
o Discuss and alter BASH global and user-specific configuration files
o Reveal key information using system info commands
* IPv6 over IPv4 - 6-to-4 Intranet/Internet Tunneling
o Discuss the pros and cons of 6-to-4 tunneling
o Compare and contrast ISATAP and 6-to-4 tunneling
o Disable ISATAP tunneling
o Confirm inability to route traffic using ISATAP with ICMPv6
o Create usable IPv6 prefixes based on 6-to-4 prefix
o Configure Cisco router’s physical interfaces using 6-to-4 IPv6 prefixes
o Configure Cisco router’s logical VLAN with a 6-to-4 prefix
o Confirm IPv6 internal routing between various physical and logical interfaces
o Test communications between Windows | Solaris |
Linux hosts
o Configure 6-to-4 tunneling on external Cisco router interface
o Confirm communications with Internet IPv4 6-to-4 hosts using 6-to-4 tunneling
o Configure Cisco router to route IPv6 Internet traffic to 6-to-4 relays
o Test communications with native IPv6 Internet hosts & web sites from edge router
o Test native IPv6 communications from internal Linux | Windows | Solaris hosts
o Implement 6-to-4 tunneling on publicly-facing Linux hosts
o Test communications with 6-to-4 and native IPv6 hosts from public Linux boxes
DNS Configuration with IPv6
o Explain classroom DNS architecture
o Discuss IPv6 DNS compatibility with BIND and Microsoft DNS
o Explain how to perform IPv6 queries using ‘dig’
o Enumerate systems for IPv6 DNS inclusion
o Configure BIND DNS with IPv6 AAAA records for applicable hosts
o Test IPv6 DNS resolution
o Configure Microsoft DNS with IPv6 AAAA records for applicable hosts
o Test IPv6 DNS resolution using ‘dig’ and ‘nslookup’
o Discuss reverse DNS nibble format
o Configure reverse IPv6 DNS
o Test reverse DNS
* Static IPv6 Address Configuration
o Discuss pros and cons of static IPv6 configuration
o Identify key configuration files
o Discuss rules related to unique IPv6 address creation
o Configure static IPv6 address for Solaris
o Configure static IPv6 address for Linux
o Configure static IPv6 address for Windows
o Confirm static addresses from various hosts
Apache HTTPD & IIS IPv6 Configuration
o Discuss Apache IPv6 benefits and features
o Install Apache HTTPD
o Explain IPv6 address syntax when used in URLs
o Test connectivity to default Apache site using IPv6 address in browser
o Define IP-based virtual hosts with IPv6 support
o Test IP-based virtual host connectivity
o Define Name-based virtual hosts with IPv6 support
o Test Name-based virtual host connectivity
o Identify key files and utilities related to Apache SSL configuration
o Generate SSL/TLS certificates and assign to default web site
o Test secure SSL/TLS connectivity
o Generate multiple SSL/TLS certificates for multiple Apache virtual hosts
o Assign SSL/TLS certificates to various Apache virtual hosts
o Test secure SSL/TLS connectivity to Apachve virtual hosts
o Discuss caveats related to IIS IPv6 support on Windows
o Configure Internet Information Server (IIS) to support IPv6 on Windows
o Test accessing content served by IIS using IPv6
* Secure Shell Version 2 (SSHv2) IPv6 Implementation
o Discuss SSHv2 IPv4 and IPv6 connection features
o Assign IPv4 and IPv6 records to DNS configuration
o Confirm SSHv2 IPv6 configuration
o Connect to Linux and Solaris hosts using SSHv2 and IPv6
o Confirm connectivity via IPv6 on Linux/Solaris hosts
o Connect to Cisco router using SSHv2 and IPv6
o Confirm connectivity via IPv6 on Cisco router
o Use PuTTY on Windows server to connect to various IPv6 systems
o Confirm PuTTY IPv6 connectivity on destination systems
* Very Secure FTPD (VSFTPD) IPv6 Implemenation
o Explain VSFTPD’s support for IPv6
o Configure VSFTPD to accept IPv6 traffic
o Examine network statistics table for IPv4 and IPv6
o Test connectivity from Linux | Windows | Solaris
* Network Mapper (NMap) IPv6 Implementation
o Discuss features and benefits of NMap
o Download and install NMap
o Explain IPv6 limitations
o Map the Intranet using IPv4
o Discuss rules related to NMap IPv6 scanning
o Scan the local system using IPv6
o Scan a range of IPv6 hosts
o Scan hosts using IPv6 DNS
* TCPDump Packet Capture Tool - IPv6 Implemenation
o Enumerate features and benefits of TCPDump
o Explain Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs) used to parse IPv6 traffic
o Perform filtered and non-filtered IPv6 sniffs/dumps
o Examine results
o Log packets to TCPDump format for post-processing by Ethereal
o Capture clear-text communications and log to TCPDump for further analysis
* Ethereal Packet Capture/Analysis Tool - IPv6 Implemenation
o Discuss features & benefits
o Install Ethereal
o Alter X11 security to permit Ethereal to write to non-privileged user’s desktop
o Explore Ethereal’s
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
o Store packet-capture profiles
o Capture IPv4 packets
o Analyze IPv4 packets
o Capture and analyze IPv6 packets
o Apply BPFs to packet capture profiles
o Compare and contrast capture and display filters
o Analyze TCPDump captures based on BPFs
o Filter BPF-based captures with display filters
o Examine layers 2-7 of OSI, including key IPv6 fields
o Capture IPv6 Neighbor Discoveries (NDs) and Router Advertisments (RAs)
o Examine results
* IP6Tables - Linux Firewall for IPv6
o Discuss features & benefits
o Compare and contrast IPTables (IPv4) with IP6Tables (IPv6)
o Identify key binaries and kernel loadable modules
o Explain IP6Tables’ default tables and chains
o Write IPv6 ACLs using IP6Tables and commit configuration
o Test the results of IPv6 ACLs from various hosts
* Cisco Access Control Lists for IPv6
o Discuss features of IPv6 ACLS
o Define IPv6 ACL to protect the Virtual Terminal (vty) for SSH | Telnet access to router
o Apply VTY IPv6 ACL and test connectivity from various IPv4 and IPv6 hosts
o Test inbound communications from external IPv4 and IPv6 hosts
o Define and apply IPv6 ACL to protect external, Internet-facing IPv6 interface
o Test inbound IPv6 connectivity from external IPv6 hosts
o Use NMap to confirm IPv6 ACLs from inbound and outbound perspectives
o Evaluate IPv6 ACL counters and log
System Requirements: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Duration: 17 hours/30 Videos on 1-DVD
Content Size: 1.4GB (1,401,374,720 bytes)
MD5SUM DVD: 65b34b7f5ffb10f5564ae7d2636e6cbc
download links:
Password default: netbks.com