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موضوع: VTC DNS Tutorial

  1. #1
    عضو جدید hamedch67 آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2008
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    56 پست

    Thumbs up VTC DNS Tutorial

    Anyone who has ever used the Internet before has used The Domain Name System (DNS). Not only is DNS used on the Internet to convert easily readable names to machine readable IP addresses, but it is widely used on almost every IP based application. Virtual Training Company author Blair Rampling explains to users the details of what DNS is, how it works, and how to work with DNS clients and servers on both Microsoft Windows and Unix platforms. Prerequisites are that users have a basic knowledge of TCP/IP, Unix, and administration of Microsoft Windows. Topics include: setting up DNS Zones and Records, using DNS with Active Directory in Windows, installing and configuring BIND 9 for Unix, DNS Security, troubleshooting DNS, and much more. Third-Party DNS Tools such as Webmin, Men and Mice QuickDNS, and Incognito DNS Commander are also discussed. To start learning today, simply click on one of the movie topics below.

    01 Welcome
    0101 Welcome
    0102 Introduction

    02 An Introduction to DNS
    0201 What is DNS?
    0202 What is DNS Used for?

    03 How Does DNS Work?
    0301 The DNS Namespace
    0302 The DNS Request Process

    04 Configuring DNS Clients
    0401 Collecting The Required DNS Settings
    0402 Configuring Microsoft Windows DNS Clients
    0403 Configuring Unix DNS Clients

    05 Using DNS Clients
    0501 The Available DNS Clients
    0502 Using NSLOOKUP in Interactive Mode
    0503 Using NSLOOKUP in Batch Mode
    0504 Using DIG in Unix
    0505 WHOIS

    06 About Zones and Records
    0601 What are Zones?
    0602 What are Records?
    0603 Exploring the Various Record Types

    07 DNS Server Architecture
    0701 Planning Your DNS Server

    08 Microsoft Windows DNS Servers
    0801 Installing the MS Windows DNS Server
    0802 Configuring the MS Windows DNS Server
    0803 Creating/Configuring a Primary Forward Zone
    0804 Creating Other Types of Zones
    0805 Configuring Records
    0806 Configuring Sub Domains

    09 Unix DNS Servers
    0901 What DNS Servers are Available for Unix?
    0902 Installing BIND 9 from Binary Distribution pt. 1
    0903 Installing BIND 9 from Binary Distribution pt. 2
    0904 Installing BIND 9 from Source Code
    0905 Configuring BIND 9 Options pt. 1
    0906 Configuring BIND 9 Options pt. 2
    0907 Configuring BIND Zones pt. 1
    0908 Configuring BIND Zones pt. 2
    0909 Configuring BIND Records pt. 1
    0910 Configuring BIND Records pt. 2
    0911 Configuring Subdomains in BIND
    0912 Configuring using RNDC pt. 1
    0913 Configuring using RNDC pt. 2

    10 Advanced Windows DNS Features
    1001 Configuring Dynamic DNS in Windows
    1002 Configuring Record Scavenging in Windows
    1003 Configuring Round Robin DNS in Windows
    1004 Configuring NOTIFY in Windows
    1005 Configuring WINS Integration in Windows

    11 DNS And Active Directory in Windows
    1101 Active Directory and DNS Working Together
    1102 Active Directory DNS Configuration

    12 Advanced BIND Features
    1201 Configuring Dynamic DNS in BIND
    1202 Configuring Round Robin DNS in BIND
    1203 Configuring NOTIFY in BIND
    1204 Configuring Internal BIND Server for Split DNS
    1205 Configuring External BIND Server for Split DNS
    1206 Alternate BIND Logging

    13 DNS Security
    1301 Potential DNS Security Problems
    1302 Restricting Zone Transfers and Interfaces
    1303 Setting Zone ACLs in Windows
    1304 Dynamic DNS Security/Cache Pollution
    1305 BIND TSIG Keys and Encryption
    1306 Restricting BIND Zone Transfers/Interfaces
    1307 Jailing BIND

    14 Troubleshooting
    1401 Troubleshooting a Microsoft DNS Server
    1402 Troubleshooting a BIND Server

    15 The Windows DNSCMD Utility
    1501 Installing DNSCMD and an Introduction pt. 1
    1502 Installing DNSCMD and an Introduction pt. 2
    1503 DNSCMD Features pt. 1
    1504 DNSCMD Features pt. 2

    16 Third-Party DNS Tools
    1601 Installing and Configuring Webmin
    1602 Using Webmin pt. 1
    1603 Using Webmin pt. 2
    1604 Installing/Configuring Men and Mice QuickDNS
    1605 Using Men and Mice QuickDNS
    1606 Installing Incognito DNS Commander
    1607 Using Incognito DNS Commander

    You Can Canon

  2. # ADS


  3. #2
    مدیر کل Vahid آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2008
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    تشکر شده در
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