نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 4 , از مجموع 4

موضوع: ابیوز هتزنر (فوری)

  1. #1
    عضو جدید
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2012
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    32 پست

    پیش فرض ابیوز هتزنر (فوری)

    با سلام این ابیوز رو برای بار دوم در یک هفته دریافت میکنم
     Dear Sir or Madam, 
      from trusted external sources, CERT-Bund received information on  IP addresses geolocated in Germany which are most likely hosting  a system infected with malware. 
      Affected systems on your network:
       Format: ASN | IP | Timestamp (UTC) | Malware | SRC port | DST ip | DST port | DST host | Proto 
      24940 | ip.ip.ip.ip| 2019-10-29 00:26:20 | magecart | 42348 | | 443 | cloud-wp.org |   
     Most of the malware families reported here include functions for  identity theft (harvesting of usernames and passwords) and/or  online-banking fraud.  
     We would like to ask you to check the issues reported and to take  appropriate steps to get the infected hosts cleaned up or notify  your customers accordingly.  
     Additional information on this notification is available at:     This message is digitally signed using PGP.
      Information on the signature key is available at:     Please note:  This is an automatically generated message. Replies to the  sender address  will NOT be read  but silently be discarded.
     In case of questions, please contact   and keep the ticket number [CB-Report#...]  of this message in the subject line.
       !! Please make sure to consult our 
    HOWTOs and FAQ available at  !!  first. 
        Mit freundlichen Gren / Kind regards  Team CERT-Bund   Bundesamt fr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik  Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)  Referat OC23 - CERT-Bund  Godesberger Allee 185-189, 53175 Bonn, Germany

    آیا کسی مشابه اینو قبلا دریافت کرده؟ ظاهرا بدافزار هست به اسم magecart که یه کد جاوا اسکریپتی هست که اکانت های paypal رو سرقت میکنه.حالا کدوم سایت ها رو آلوده کرده نمیدونم! ولی طاهرا بیشتر سراغ فروشگاه های مجنتو میره که ما روی سرور نداریم در هر صورت اگه دوست بزرگواری تجربه ای در این خصوص داره ما رو هم راهنمایی کنه
    ویرایش توسط yashar313 : October 31st, 2019 در ساعت 13:55

  2. # ADS


  3. #2
    عضو انجمن SV24.CO آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Nov 2012
    محل سکونت
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    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    368 پست

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ابیوز هتزنر (فوری)

    در مرحله اول IP مقصد را در فایروال سرور بلاک کنید.
    در مرحله بعد توسط یک scanner سعی کنید malware مورد نظر را پیدا کنید.
    در صورت نیاز به کمک بیشتر اطلاعات تماس خود را خصوصی ارسال کنید.
    هیچ مصیبتی بدتر از جهل نیست .
    Server Pardazan - www.serverpardazan.com

  4. #3
    عضو انجمن farhadhelix آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jan 2015
    محل سکونت
    نوشته ها
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    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    384 پست

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ابیوز هتزنر (فوری)

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط yashar313 نمایش پست ها
    با سلام این ابیوز رو برای بار دوم در یک هفته دریافت میکنم
     Dear Sir or Madam, 
      from trusted external sources, CERT-Bund received information on  IP addresses geolocated in Germany which are most likely hosting  a system infected with malware. 
      Affected systems on your network:
       Format: ASN | IP | Timestamp (UTC) | Malware | SRC port | DST ip | DST port | DST host | Proto 
      24940 | ip.ip.ip.ip| 2019-10-29 00:26:20 | magecart | 42348 | | 443 | cloud-wp.org |   
     Most of the malware families reported here include functions for  identity theft (harvesting of usernames and passwords) and/or  online-banking fraud.  
     We would like to ask you to check the issues reported and to take  appropriate steps to get the infected hosts cleaned up or notify  your customers accordingly.  
     Additional information on this notification is available at:     This message is digitally signed using PGP.
      Information on the signature key is available at:     Please note:  This is an automatically generated message. Replies to the  sender address  will NOT be read  but silently be discarded.
     In case of questions, please contact   and keep the ticket number [CB-Report#...]  of this message in the subject line.
       !! Please make sure to consult our 
    HOWTOs and FAQ available at  !!  first. 
        Mit freundlichen Gren / Kind regards  Team CERT-Bund   Bundesamt fr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik  Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)  Referat OC23 - CERT-Bund  Godesberger Allee 185-189, 53175 Bonn, Germany

    آیا کسی مشابه اینو قبلا دریافت کرده؟ ظاهرا بدافزار هست به اسم magecart که یه کد جاوا اسکریپتی هست که اکانت های paypal رو سرقت میکنه.حالا کدوم سایت ها رو آلوده کرده نمیدونم! ولی طاهرا بیشتر سراغ فروشگاه های مجنتو میره که ما روی سرور نداریم در هر صورت اگه دوست بزرگواری تجربه ای در این خصوص داره ما رو هم راهنمایی کنه


    بله مشابهش زیاد دیده شده

    ای پی مقصد رو توسط یک رول forward در میکروتیک شبکتون بلاک کنید
    انجام کلیه امور تخصصی روتر های میکروتیک | طراحی و پیاده سازی شبکه و راه کارهای اجرایی | امنیت شبکه و راه کارهای مقابله با دیداس | Whatsapp : 09125803584 | Telegram : http://t.me/tsiran

  5. #4
    عضو انجمن ourweb آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Apr 2012
    محل سکونت
    Ahvaz , IR
    نوشته ها
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    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    2,001 پست

    پیش فرض پاسخ : ابیوز هتزنر (فوری)

    این رول ها رو در میکروتیک اظافه کنید
    کد PHP:
    #### Firewall Settings                                                                                                 ####
    /ip firewall connection tracking
    set enabled

    #### Drop Invalid Connections                                                                                          ####
    #### To make this more useful, create a copy of the forward chain rule and set the interface for each LAN intface      ####
    #### on your network. Remember to remove the orginal rule.                                                             ####
    /ip firewall filter
    add action
    =drop chain=input comment="Drop Invalid Connections" connection-state=invalid disabled=no
    add action
    =drop chain=forward comment="Drop Invalid Connections" connection-state=invalid disabled=no

    #### Must Add Admin IP Addresses in the Address List for Administering the Network in "Exempt Addresses"              #####

    add action=accept chain=input comment="Accept Exempt IP Addresses" disabled=no src-address-list="Exempt Addresses"
    add action=accept chain=forward comment="Accept Exempt IP Addresses" disabled=no src-address-list="Exempt Addresses"

    #### Multiple "Black Lists" have been created to help identify why any given person has been blocked.#######################
    #### By default Port Scanners Black List is disabled. The Firewall will continue to add these people to the ################
    #### the Black List, but will not block them unless the Black List is enabled. Use with caution!!!! ########################
    #### Once someone is on a Black List they are permanently recorded there. To remove them, go to the address list.###########

    add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (Manually Added)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List"
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (Manually Added)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List"
    add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (SSH)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List (SSH)"
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (SSH)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List (SSH)"
    add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (Telnet)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List (Telnet)"
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (Telnet)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List (Telnet)"
    add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (Winbox)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List (Winbox)"
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop anyone in the Black List (Winbox)" disabled=no src-address-list="Black List (Winbox)"
    add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop anyone in the WAN Port Scanner List" disabled=yes src-address-list="WAN Port Scanners"
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop anyone in the WAN Port Scanner List" disabled=yes src-address-list="WAN Port Scanners"
    add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop anyone in the LAN Port Scanner List" disabled=yes src-address-list="LAN Port Scanners"
    add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop anyone in the LAN Port Scanner List" disabled=yes src-address-list="LAN Port Scanners"
    add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop all Bogons" disabled=no src-address-list=Bogons
    add action
    =drop chain=forward comment="Drop all Bogons" disabled=no src-address-list=Bogons
    add action
    =drop chain=forward comment="Drop all P2P" disabled=yes p2p=all-p2p
    add chain
    =output comment="Section Break" disabled=yes

    #### Detect & Block Brute Force Login Attempts                                                                         ####
    add action=jump chain=input comment="Jump to RFC SSH Chain" disabled=no jump-target="RFC SSH Chain"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Black List (SSH)" address-list-timeout=0s chain="RFC SSH Chain" comment="Transfer repeated attempts from SSH Stage 3 to Black-List" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp src-address-list="SSH Stage 3"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="SSH Stage 3" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC SSH Chain" comment="Add succesive attempts to SSH Stage 3" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp src-address-list="SSH Stage 2"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="SSH Stage 2" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC SSH Chain" comment="Add succesive attempts to SSH Stage 2" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp src-address-list="SSH Stage 1"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="SSH Stage 1" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC SSH Chain" comment="Add intial attempt to SSH Stage 1 List" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=22 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =return chain="RFC SSH Chain" comment="Return From RFC SSH Chain" disabled=no
    add chain
    =output comment="Section Break" disabled=yes

    add action
    =jump chain=input comment="Jump to RFC Telnet Chain" disabled=no jump-target="RFC Telnet Chain"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Black List (Telnet)" address-list-timeout=0s chain="RFC Telnet Chain" comment="Transfer repeated attempts from Telnet Stage 3 to Black-List" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=23 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Telnet Stage 3"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Telnet Stage 3" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC Telnet Chain" comment="Add succesive attempts to Telnet Stage 3" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=23 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Telnet Stage 2"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Telnet Stage 2" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC Telnet Chain" comment="Add succesive attempts to Telnet Stage 2" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=23 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Telnet Stage 1"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Telnet Stage 1" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC Telnet Chain" comment="Add Intial attempt to Telnet Stage 1" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=23 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =return chain="RFC Telnet Chain" comment="Return From RFC Telnet Chain" disabled=no
    add chain
    =output comment="Section Break" disabled=yes

    add action
    =jump chain=input comment="Jump to RFC Winbox Chain" disabled=no jump-target="RFC Winbox Chain"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Black List (Winbox)" address-list-timeout=0s chain="RFC Winbox Chain" comment="Transfer repeated attempts from Winbox Stage 3 to Black-List" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Winbox Stage 3"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Winbox Stage 3" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC Winbox Chain" comment="Add succesive attempts to Winbox Stage 3" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Winbox Stage 2"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Winbox Stage 2" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC Winbox Chain" comment="Add succesive attempts to Winbox Stage 2" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp src-address-list="Winbox Stage 1"
    add action=add-src-to-address-list address-list="Winbox Stage 1" address-list-timeout=1m chain="RFC Winbox Chain" comment="Add Intial attempt to Winbox Stage 1" connection-state=new disabled=no dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =return chain="RFC Winbox Chain" comment="Return From RFC Winbox Chain" disabled=no
    add chain
    =output comment="Section Break" disabled=yes

    #### Detect & Manage Port Scanners                                                                                     ####
    /ip firewall filter
    add action
    =add-src-to-address-list address-list="Wan Port Scanners" chain=input comment="Add TCP Port Scanners to Address List" protocol=tcp psd=40,3s,2,1
    add action
    =add-src-to-address-list address-list="LAN Port Scanners" chain=forward comment="Add TCP Port Scanners to Address List" protocol=tcp psd=40,3s,2,1
    add chain
    =output comment="Section Break" disabled=yes

    #### Detect & Manage High Connection Rates                                                                             ####
    /ip firewall filter
    add action
    =add-src-to-address-list address-list="(WAN High Connection Rates)" chain=input comment="Add WAN High Connections to Address List" connection-limit=100,32 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =add-src-to-address-list address-list="(LAN High Connection Rates)" chain=forward comment="Add LAN High Connections to Address List" connection-limit=100,32 protocol=tcp

    #### The Virus Chain has been added at the request of customers, but there is no guarantee expressed or implied with the ###
    #### Virus Chain. ##########################################################################################################

    add action=jump chain=input comment="Jump to Virus Chain" disabled=no jump-target=Virus
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Blaster Worm" disabled=no dst-port=135-139 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Blaster Worm" disabled=no dst-port=445 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Blaster Worm" disabled=no dst-port=445 protocol=udp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Messenger Worm" disabled=no dst-port=135-139 protocol=udp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment=Conficker disabled=no dst-port=593 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=1024-1030 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="ndm requester" disabled=no dst-port=1363 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="ndm server" disabled=no dst-port=1364 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="screen cast" disabled=no dst-port=1368 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment=hromgrafx disabled=no dst-port=1373 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop MyDoom" disabled=no dst-port=1080 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment=cichlid disabled=no dst-port=1377 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=1433-1434 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Dumaru.Y" disabled=no dst-port=2283 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Beagle" disabled=no dst-port=2535 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Beagle.C-K" disabled=no dst-port=2745 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop MyDoom" disabled=no dst-port=3127-3128 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Backdoor OptixPro" disabled=no dst-port=3410 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Sasser" disabled=no dst-port=5554 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=4444 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment=Worm disabled=no dst-port=4444 protocol=udp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Beagle.B" disabled=no dst-port=8866 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Dabber.A-B" disabled=no dst-port=9898 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Dumaru.Y" disabled=no dst-port=10000 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop MyDoom.B" disabled=no dst-port=10080 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop NetBus" disabled=no dst-port=12345 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop Kuang2" disabled=no dst-port=17300 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop SubSeven" disabled=no dst-port=27374 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =drop chain=Virus comment="Drop PhatBot, Agobot, Gaobot" disabled=no dst-port=65506 protocol=tcp
    add action
    =return chain=Virus comment="Return From Virus Chain" disabled=no
    add chain
    =output comment="Section Break" disabled=yes

    #### This is the BOGON short list.                                                                                     ####
    ####!!!!! All subnets in this list will be blocked!!! Disable or remove any subnets that you are using!!!##################

    /ip firewall address-list
    add address= comment="RFC 1122 \"This host on this network\"" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 1918 (Private Use IP Space)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 6598 (Shared Address Space)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 1122 (Loopback)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 3927 (Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 1918 (Private Use IP Space)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 6890 (IETF Protocol Assingments)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 5737 (Test-Net-1)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 1918 (Private Use IP Space)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 2544 (Benchmarking)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 5737 (Test-Net-2)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 5737 (Test-Net-3)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 5771 (Multicast Addresses) - Will affect OSPF, RIP, PIM, VRRP, IS-IS, and others. Use with caution.)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 1112 (Reserved)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 7535 (AS112-v4)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 7450 (AMT)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 7526 (Deprecated (6to4 Relay Anycast))" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 7534 (Direct Delegation AS112 Service)" disabled=yes list=Bogons
    add address
    = comment="RFC 919 (Limited Broadcast)" disabled=yes list=Bogons

    #### This is a list of all common ports as found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers  and other sources.       ##
    #### By default they are enabled to prevent immediate problems when applying the script. Carefully review the list of                       ##
    #### ports and remove or disable entries that are not needed.                                                                               ##

    /ip firewall filter
    add action
    =jump chain=forward comment="Jump to \"Manage Common Ports\" Chain" jump-target="Manage Common Ports"
    add chain="Manage Common Ports" comment="\"All hosts on this subnet\" Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="\"All routers on this subnet\" Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol)" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="OSPF - All OSPF Routers Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="OSPF - OSPF DR Routers Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="RIP Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="EIGRP Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="PIM Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="VRRP Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="IS-IS Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="IS-IS Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="IS-IS Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="IGMP Broadcast" src-address=
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="GRE Protocol (Local Management)" protocol=gre
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="FTPdata transfer" port=20 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="FTPdata transfer  " port=20 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="FTPcontrol (command)" port=21 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Secure Shell(SSH)" port=22 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Secure Shell(SSH)   " port=22 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment=Telnet port=23 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment=Telnet port=23 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Priv-mail: any privatemailsystem." port=24 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Priv-mail: any privatemailsystem.  " port=24 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP)" port=25 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP)  " port=25 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="TIME protocol" port=37 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="TIME protocol  " port=37 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="ARPA Host Name Server Protocol & WINS" port=42 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="ARPA Host Name Server Protocol  & WINS  " port=42 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="WHOIS protocol" port=43 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="WHOIS protocol" port=43 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Domain Name System (DNS)" port=53 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Domain Name System (DNS)" port=53 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Mail Transfer Protocol(RFC 780)" port=57 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="(BOOTP) Server & (DHCP)  " port=67 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="(BOOTP) Client & (DHCP)  " port=68 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)  " port=69 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Gopher protocol" port=70 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Finger protocol" port=79 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)" port=80 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="RemoteTELNETService protocol" port=107 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Post Office Protocolv2 (POP2)" port=109 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Post Office Protocolv3 (POP3)" port=110 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="IdentAuthentication Service/Identification Protocol" port=113 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Authentication Service (auth)  " port=113 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)" port=115 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Network Time Protocol(NTP)" port=123 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="NetBIOSNetBIOS Name Service" port=137 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="NetBIOSNetBIOS Name Service  " port=137 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="NetBIOSNetBIOS Datagram Service" port=138 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="NetBIOSNetBIOS Datagram Service  " port=138 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="NetBIOSNetBIOS Session Service" port=139 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="NetBIOSNetBIOS Session Service  " port=139 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)" port=143 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Background File Transfer Program (BFTP)" port=152 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Background File Transfer Program (BFTP)  " port=152 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="SGMP,Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol" port=153 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="SGMP,Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol  " port=153 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="DMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol" port=158 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="DMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol  " port=158 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP)  " port=161 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Simple Network Management ProtocolTrap (SNMPTRAP)" port=162 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Simple Network Management ProtocolTrap (SNMPTRAP)  " port=162 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)" port=179 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), version 3" port=220 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), version 3" port=220 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="BGMP, Border Gateway Multicast Protocol" port=264 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="BGMP, Border Gateway Multicast Protocol  " port=264 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)" port=389 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)" port=389 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="SSTP TCP Port 443 (Local Management) & HTTPS" port=443 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Microsoft-DSActive Directory, Windows shares" port=445 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="L2TP/ IPSEC UDP Port 500 (Local Management)" port=500 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Modbus, Protocol" port=502 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Modbus, Protocol  " port=502 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Shell (Remote Shell, rsh, remsh)" port=514 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Syslog - used for system logging  " port=514 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Routing Information Protocol (RIP)  " port=520 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="e-mail message submission (SMTP)" port=587 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="LDP,Label Distribution Protocol" port=646 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="LDP,Label Distribution Protocol" port=646 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="FTPS Protocol (data):FTP over TLS/SSL" port=989 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="FTPS Protocol (data):FTP over TLS/SSL" port=989 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="FTPS Protocol (control):FTP over TLS/SSL" port=990 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="FTPS Protocol (control):FTP over TLS/SSL" port=990 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="TELNET protocol overTLS/SSL" port=992 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="TELNET protocol overTLS/SSL" port=992 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Internet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (IMAPS)" port=993 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="Post Office Protocol3 over TLS/SSL (POP3S)" port=995 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="O*** TCP Port 1194 (Local Management)" port=1194 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="PPTP Port 1723 (Local Management)" port=1723 protocol=tcp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="L2TP UDP Port 1701 (Local Management)" port=1701 protocol=udp
    add chain
    ="Manage Common Ports" comment="L2TP UDP Port 4500 (Local Management)" port=4500 protocol=udp

    /ip firewall filter
    add chain
    =input comment="Accept Related or Established Connections" connection-state=established,related disabled=yes
    add chain
    =forward comment="Accept New Connections" connection-state=new disabled=yes
    add chain
    =forward comment="Accept Related or Established Connections" connection-state=established,related disabled=yes

    #### Enable this rule in SAFE MODE and test before using##################################################################

    add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop all other LAN Traffic" disabled=yes
    add action
    =drop chain=input comment="Drop all other WAN Traffic" disabled=yes 
    وب سایت : www.irhosting24.com
    تلگرام : OURWEB@ - تلفن تماس : موبایل : 09999978820

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موضوعات مشابه

  1. مشکل با ابیوز هتزنر
    توسط ebikurd986 در انجمن سوالات و مشکلات
    پاسخ ها: 5
    آخرين نوشته: July 25th, 2019, 23:56
  2. ابیوز هتزنر
    توسط Aria90 در انجمن سوالات و مشکلات
    پاسخ ها: 17
    آخرين نوشته: March 14th, 2018, 09:37
  3. مشکل با ابیوز از هتزنر
    توسط akbar_syberia در انجمن سوالات و مشکلات
    پاسخ ها: 8
    آخرين نوشته: December 8th, 2017, 10:30
  4. ابیوز هتزنر
    توسط ashadata در انجمن سوالات و مشکلات
    پاسخ ها: 3
    آخرين نوشته: February 26th, 2017, 16:38
  5. مشکل با ابیوز هتزنر
    توسط mizban97 در انجمن سوالات و مشکلات
    پاسخ ها: 22
    آخرين نوشته: October 22nd, 2016, 00:34

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