June 17th, 2009, 10:02
Secure Windows VPS
دوستان یه آموزش عالی و کاربردی و خوب
تو یکی از سایتها دیدم ، لازم دونستم که برای استفاده بقیه دوستان هم تو فروم قرار بدم!
عالیه واقعا"
the best method to secure your windows vps is to enable windows firewall on your windows vps. You can do this easily by following steps below,
1) login to your windows vps.
2) then, start > control panel > windows firewall
3) add the following ports/applications to your firewall exceptions as required. ( exceptions tab > add program or port)
4) check "remote desktop" option [remote desktop]
add port > name = dns udp | port =53 | udp [domain name server udp]
add port > name = dns tcp | port =53 | tcp [domain name server tcp]
add port > name = ftp| port =21 | tcp [ftp server]
add port > name = smtp | port =25 | tcp [mail server]
add port > name = pop3 | port =110 | tcp [pop 3 mail collection service]
add port > name = http | port =80 | tcp [web server]
add port > name = https | port =443 | tcp [secure web server]
5) to allow ftp service, add program > browse > c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
6) to make sure that your server is responding to the network icmp packets (ping) just check that it is enabled. You can do this by :
start > control panel > windows firewall > advanced > icmp settings > enable options
موفق باشید....
ویرایش توسط WebRang : June 17th, 2009 در ساعت 10:03
دلیل: خطا در عنوان
تعداد تشکر ها ازWebRang به دلیل پست مفید
Aria, borzeh, freeways88, HugeServer, iranbest, koorosh_kabir, mahy007, merci, Saeid_Sat, sohrab.khan, thanker
June 17th, 2009 10:02