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موضوع: Whmcs V6.0 beta

  1. #1
    عضو انجمن sarvar آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Sep 2010
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    پیش فرض Whmcs V6.0 beta

    Hello Sarvar jafari,

    We are thrilled to have you on board for the Version 6.0 beta release!

    Beta testers play an invaluable role in our development process, and we rely on your work as a beta tester to ensure we release the best possible product.

    Getting Started

    The latest Beta downloads can be obtained from the WHMCS Members Area by logging in and navigating to My Services > Licenses & Services > Your Active License Key. There you will find a dedicated Version 6.0 Beta panel containing the download button.

    Once you have downloaded the latest beta release, the next step is to install it. You can view our documentation on installing WHMCS at http://docs.whmcs.com/Installing_WHMCS.

    Please remember: Beta versions of WHMCS are not recommended for production use. We will provide one Development License per WHMCS license on request which can be used for testing and can be obtained by contacting our support team.

    Community Discussion Forum

    We have setup a dedicated Version 6.0 forum for discussions about functionality, and suggestions for tweaks and improvements. Please review the sticky topics for useful tips and information on the beta process.


    Reporting Issues

    Found a bug in the beta? Report it to us here: http://vsix.whmcs.com/bugreport

    Updates to the Beta

    We will notify you of any updates to the beta release via email and on the forums, so make sure to keep an eye on your inbox and browse the forums frequently.

    Important Links

    To learn more about the beta process, please visit http://vsix.whmcs.com/learnmore

    Release Notes

    We have made available extensive release notes relating to the Version 6.0 Beta 1 Release. We encourage you to read them in full before you begin.


    The WHMCS Team

    اينم يك نمونه نصب شده


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  4. #2
    عضو انجمن tikweb.ir آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2014
    محل سکونت
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : Whmcs V6.0 beta

    نیازمندی های نصب این نسخه :

    ویژگی های دیگه این نسخه :


    A brand new way to access and administer your servers. Utilising cPanel Single Sign-On integration to provide instantaneous login to any of your WHM servers, right from within WHMCS. Other modules coming soon...

    cPanel Single Sign-On

    Now your clients only have to remember a single username & password. cPanel Single Sign-On allows clients to transition from WHMCS to cPanel/WHM at the click of a button, without having to re-authenticate.

    Domain Namespinning Suggestions

    Provides intelligent related suggestions alongside the results of a domain search to help customers find that perfect domain name for their new website. Learn moreon our blog.

    Auto PayPal Subscription Management

    Ever had a customer accidentally leave a PayPal subscription active leading to a refund? WHMCS will now automatically cancel PayPal Subscriptions when products within WHMCS are cancelled.

    PHP Compatibility

    With out of the box support for PHP 5.6.x, Version 6.0 allows you to run the latest and most up-to-date PHP versions. We also support PHP 5.3.7+, 5.4 and 5.5 too. See full System Requirements.

    Responsive Admin Interface

    We have begun implementing responsive behaviour to the admin area too. This is a long term project that will evolve over time, but we're committed to making the admin area responsive too.

    Open Source Components

    Components from Symfony, Laravel and a number of other projects, used commonly throughout the PHP community for their stability and power, are leveraged to make extensibility easier.

    Easier to Integrate & Maintain

    With a flexible design structure, following all the latest standards and best practices, and based upon the latest Bootstrap 3.0, the new client area is easier to integrate than ever. And ea
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  6. #3
    عضو دائم jahromweb آواتار ها
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : Whmcs V6.0 beta

    خداراشکر بالاخره داره سر و شکل درستی به خودش میگیره
    پنل مدیریت خیلی خوب شده
    ParsConfig:Managed Servers,CacheServer,Server Administration
    IRDirectAdmin:Hosting Solutions

  7. #4
    عضو انجمن sarvar آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Sep 2010
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : Whmcs V6.0 beta

    Version 6.0 sees the introduction of a new client area. It's fully responsive, it looks modern and clean, it works on both desktop and mobile, it has more functionality than ever. But, there's no denying the fact our order forms need some attention too.

    A little over 18 months ago, we embarked on a project to design some new order forms, and we got a long way into it, with some great new designs, but we ran into a problem. First, we needed a client area that was based on the latest technologies, and was responsive - good news is, 6.0 takes care of that!

    As mentioned in the release notes for 6.0, at this time, we are shipping two order form templates in the 6.0 beta that have been updated to take full advantage of bootstrap formatting and styling. Those order form templates are boxes and modern.

    Over the next few weeks, we intend to release further order form template updates. So the questions really fall into two parts - first regarding existing order forms:

    (1) Would you like to see all the existing order form templates and designs be updated to work with the new theme? Or would you rather the time was spent on making new designs and are happy to see support for older ones discontinued?

    (2) Would it be of concern to you if every order form template we offer required Bootstrap 3 being part of your custom theme to control layout? Are there situations where implementing Bootstrap 3 into your custom template might not be possible?

    And then onto some questions relating to order forms more generally, particularly for 6.1 and later.

    (1) What is the single most important change you would like to see in the shopping cart process?

    (2) What don't you like about the current shopping cart process?

    (3) What product configurations do you want to be able to offer that you are currently unable to?

    (4) If you had to edit template files to fully tailor the ancillary text and information on an order form template to your product offerings, would that be ok?

    Answers to the above questions in particular would be very much appreciated, but general feedback is also very much welcomed. Our aim here is to gather feedback that will allow us to better understand what you are looking for, and how that might translate into an iterative process for developing new order forms moving forward.

    I'll leave you with 3 examples of new order form plan selectors that will be coming your way soon...

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