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موضوع: Whmcs V6.0 beta

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  1. #1
    عضو انجمن sarvar آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Sep 2010
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    319 پست

    پیش فرض Whmcs V6.0 beta

    Hello Sarvar jafari,

    We are thrilled to have you on board for the Version 6.0 beta release!

    Beta testers play an invaluable role in our development process, and we rely on your work as a beta tester to ensure we release the best possible product.

    Getting Started

    The latest Beta downloads can be obtained from the WHMCS Members Area by logging in and navigating to My Services > Licenses & Services > Your Active License Key. There you will find a dedicated Version 6.0 Beta panel containing the download button.

    Once you have downloaded the latest beta release, the next step is to install it. You can view our documentation on installing WHMCS at http://docs.whmcs.com/Installing_WHMCS.

    Please remember: Beta versions of WHMCS are not recommended for production use. We will provide one Development License per WHMCS license on request which can be used for testing and can be obtained by contacting our support team.

    Community Discussion Forum

    We have setup a dedicated Version 6.0 forum for discussions about functionality, and suggestions for tweaks and improvements. Please review the sticky topics for useful tips and information on the beta process.


    Reporting Issues

    Found a bug in the beta? Report it to us here: http://vsix.whmcs.com/bugreport

    Updates to the Beta

    We will notify you of any updates to the beta release via email and on the forums, so make sure to keep an eye on your inbox and browse the forums frequently.

    Important Links

    To learn more about the beta process, please visit http://vsix.whmcs.com/learnmore

    Release Notes

    We have made available extensive release notes relating to the Version 6.0 Beta 1 Release. We encourage you to read them in full before you begin.


    The WHMCS Team

    اينم يك نمونه نصب شده


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