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موضوع: Basic Drupal SEO Series Tutorial

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    عضو انجمن AlmaHost آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Sep 2011
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    پیش فرض Basic Drupal SEO Series Tutorial

    Webmaster Tips – Basic Drupal SEO Series Tutorial

    In this video, Ben Finklea of Volacci.com explains all the ins and outs of configuring Drupal and its various modules in order to maximize your site’s Search Engine Optimization.

    Ben begins by orienting you to the SEO landscape by walking through all of the essential components of the Drupal SEO Checklist module. He clearly explains the basic analytic metrics and webmaster tools you’ll need to understand before researching the best keywords to focus on for your SEO campaign. He walks you through various Drupal modules you can use to manage your page titles, automatic URLs, meta tags, URL redirects, sitemaps and optimizations for local businesses. He also shows you how to configure built-in Drupal settings to properly set up your header tags, content silos, menu system, robots.txt and Apache rewrite rules. He also talks about how to measure your site’s compliance and performance before laying out the next steps for your SEO campaign to maximize your site’s conversion rates.

    This video shows how Drupal is one of the best content management platforms for SEO. After watching this video you’ll know all of the steps you need to take to improve your site’s search engine ranking!
    This series is devoted to the optimization and promotion Drupal-sites

    1. Introduction to Drupal SEO 4m
    2. SEO Checklist Module 14m
    3. Setting up Google Analytics 26m
    4. Using Google Webmaster tools 36m
    5. Researching SEO keywords 30m
    6. On-page SEO optimization 3m
    7. Customizing page titles 16m
    8. Customizing menu paths 15m
    9. Redirecting menu paths 11m
    10. Implementing relevant meta tags 11m
    11. Optimizing for local businesses 18m
    12. HTML header tags 6m
    13. Creating content silos 5m
    14. Leveraging the menu system 5m
    15. Creating & submitting sitemaps 19m
    16. Controlling access with robots.txt 7m
    17. Setting up. Htaccess rewrite rules 5m
    18. Testing standards compliance 4m
    19. Importance of site performance for SEO 8m
    20. Testing with SEO graders 3m
    21. Conversion rate optimization 27m
    22. Next steps for an SEO campaign 11m
    23. Drupal SEO Review 7m

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