نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط bassam_fisho نمایش پست ها
relay thank you friend

i bough 2 server from 2 seller there

i will use it for one month if i not get full support from him i will connect you for buying from you

i always buying vps from Iran and always trying get good service

thank you my friend you on my favorite now
نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط bassam_fisho نمایش پست ها
i get 2 seller there and i done it by one
and i get it for prices : 5$ BTC

but can i know why all seller there worry for selling vps ?

i see some seller there worry about this selling

but can i know why all seller there worry for selling vps ?

It seems you're really from Egypt (with a little investigation) so I should answer your questions.

Most of Iranian web hosting companies can accept payment methods like PP, Webmoney but As I mentioned above it's a method for Iranian users to make themselves untrackable. We had a lot of customers like that. to avoid such problems we have to verify the client account.

For example If there's an attack from the network in Iran, the company will be responsible for that. I don't want to go into details, but there are a few legal issues that prevent us from providing services to foreigners.

As you can see there are some Iranian webhosting companies can provide you Iranian VPS / Dedicated servers. I hope you enjoy your services.

By the way, why do you want a vps located in Iran?