سلام امروز سرور من بالا نمیوممد و بعد از تیکت زدن اینو فرستادن لطفا کمک کنین:


No reply from you regarding this ticket:

\"Dear Sir or Madam,

CERT-Bund received complaints concerning systems hosted on your
network which *actively* participated in DDoS attacks against
third parties.

The DDoS reflection attacks were performed by abusing UDP-based
services openly accessible from the Internet (DNS open-resolvers,
NTP servers with the \'monlist\' feature enabled, openly accessible
SNMP servers, etc.).

Please find below a list of systems on your network which actively
participated in the DDoS attacks. The timestamp (timezone UTC)
indicates when the first attack packet was sent by the respective
system. Additionally, each records includes the source port and
type of service abused.

Many of the services abused for the attacks have already been
reported to you by CERT-Bund on a regular basis for a longer time
and we kept asking you to close the services to prevent them
from being abused for DDoS attacks.

We would now like to ask you to check this issue and *immediately*
take appropriate action to prevent further abuse of the services
for DDoS attacks against third parties.

Additional information on this notification and advice on how to
secure the open services (HOWTOs) available at:

This message is digitally signed using PGP. Information on the
signature key is available at the aforementioned URL.

Please note:
This is an automatically generated message. Replies to the
sender address <reports@reports.cert-bund.de> will NOT be read 
but silently be discarded. In case of questions, please contact
and keep the ticket number [CB-Report#...] 
of this message in the subject line.

!! Please make sure to read our HOWTOs and FAQ available at
!! <https://reports.cert-bund.de/en/> first.


Format: ASN | IP address | Timestamp (UTC) | Source port | Service

24940 | | 2017-07-09 23:55:06 | 53 | dns"