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موضوع: Seven New Features in Your Google Analytics Account

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  1. #1
    عضو انجمن Mohsen آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2009
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    پیش فرض Seven New Features in Your Google Analytics Account

    Hello Google Analytics user,

    We recently added powerful new features to your Google Analytics account. With these seven new features you'll be able to get quicker insights, create deeper customizations, do more advanced analysis and track more mobile marketing!

    Read on to learn more and then sign in to your account to try these features.

    Analytics Intelligence with Custom Alerts
    Using an algorithmic driven Intelligence engine, Analytics Intelligence monitors data patterns over daily, weekly and monthly periods. Significant changes in data trends and insights you may not have noticed are surfaced directly in your account. You can also create your own Custom Alerts that monitor your selection of dimensions and metrics that can be sent by email or displayed in the Intelligence reports.

    Expanded Goals and New Engagement Goals
    You can now track even more conversions by creating up to 20 goals per profile. Measure user engagement and branding success on your site with Time on Site and Pages per Visit goals. Set up your first Engagement goal in minutes.

    Expanded Mobile Reporting
    Google Analytics has expanded support for mobile websites and tracking for iPhone and Android mobile applications tracking. Adding server side code to your PHP, JSP, PERL, or ASPX mobile websites enables you to track non-Java-Script enabled phones. For mobile application developers, access the SDK and technical implementation details here. You'll also be able to see breakout data on mobile devices and carriers in the new Mobile reports in the Visitors section.

    Unique Visitors Metric
    Include the Unique Visitors metric in your Custom Report or Advanced Segments to see how many actual visitors (unique cookies) visit your website. You can select Unique Visitors as a metric against any dimensions in Google Analytics.

    Advanced Analysis Features
    Dive deeper into your data with Pivoting, Secondary Dimensions, and Advanced Table Filtering. These combined features enable you to perform in-depth, on the fly data analysis within your account.

    Share Advanced Segments and Custom Report Templates
    Share the URL link for an Advanced Segment or Custom Report with anyone who has an Analytics account. Sharing the link will automatically import the pre-formatted template into the person's account. Also available now is the ability to share or hide your Advanced Segments and Custom Reports by profile.

    Multiple Custom Variables
    Custom variables provide the power and flexibility to customize Google Analytics to collect the unique site usage data most important to your business. Define and track visitors according to visitor attributes (member vs. non-member), session attributes (signed in or signed out), and by page-level attributes (viewed Sports section). Use custom variables to classify any number of interactions and behaviors on your site. Start learning more about them now.

    Happy analyzing,
    Google Analytics Team

  2. #2
    عضو دائم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jan 2009
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : Seven New Features in Your Google Analytics Account

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