سلام دیتا سنتر هتزنر برام ابیوز زیر رو فرستاده لطفا راهنمایی میکنید مشکل رو رفع کنم؟

We have received information that the IP address of a server you have with us is sending spam, or is hosting a spamvertised website.

For SORBS complaints, please keep in mind that SORBS uses spamtraps, so in some cases the email itself is legitimate, but the recipient address was not acquired using double opt-in (DOI).

For Spamvertised complaints (a website being advertised using spam), please carefully check this website and make sure it is legitimate. In some cases it is a redirect to another website, so please also check if this other website is legitimate. If the website or redirect is not legitimate, then please remove it from your server.

In general, if legitimate emails are being sent from your server, then please make sure the recipient email addresses were acquired using DOI, and that there is an easy method to opt-out (unsubscribe). Please also make sure you have set a correct PTR record (reverse DNS) in the Robot web interface.

The server might be infected with malware that is being used to send spam, so please check for this as well. If you don't plan on sending emails via your server, then please consider removing any mailserver software, and/or blocking port 25 using a software firewall.