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موضوع: چگونگی مخفی کردن ورژن bind

  1. #1
    مدیر کل Vahid آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2008
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    پیش فرض چگونگی مخفی کردن ورژن bind

    What is BIND?
    BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols and provides an openly redistributable reference implementation of the major components of the Domain Name System, including:

    - a Domain Name System server (named)
    - a Domain Name System resolver library
    - tools for verifying the proper operation of the DNS server

    The BIND DNS Server is used on the vast majority of name serving machines on the Internet, providing a robust and stable architecture on top of which an organization's naming architecture can be built. The resolver library included in the BIND distribution provides the standard APIs for translation between domain names and Internet addresses and is intended to be linked with applications requiring name service.

    Why hide the BIND version number?
    Although hiding the BIND version number will not prevent automated cracking tools from exploiting vulnerable nameservers, you should prevent "banner grabbing," or allowing others to gather version information about services running on your machines. This is no substitute for keeping your BIND version updated. You must keep your server updated to be protected from the latest security threats and exploits. If a hacker runs an exploit on your outdated version of BIND, even if you hide the version number, you will get hacked into
    Hiding BIND version
    Login to your server through SSH and su to root.

    1) pico -w /etc/named.conf

    add this line:
    version "surely you must be joking";
    query-source address * port 53;

    3) Save the changes
    Ctrl+x then y

    4) Restart your BIND service.
    service named restart or /etc/init.d/named restart 5) Check your bind version
    dig ns1.yourserver.com

    You may also check your bind version using DNSreport: brought to you by DNSstuff.com and you will see your new bind version.
    برای پیش رفت در علم آسانسوری وجود ندارد پله ها را باید پیاده رفت /./ همیشه این یادتان باشد که دست بالای دست بسیار است.
    يادمان باشد براي يك بار ايستادن صد ها بار افتاده ايم /./ بک آپ مهمترین رمز موفقیت هاستینگ /./ امنیت مطلق نیست.
    ارتباط مستقیم با من :
    Admin -{(@)}- WebHostingTalk . ir

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  3. # ADS


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موضوعات مشابه

  1. مشکل با bind
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  2. مشکل با Bind
    توسط aminarab17 در انجمن ردهت,فدورا,سنت-او-اس Redhat,Fedora,CentOS
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    آخرين نوشته: August 11th, 2015, 22:18
  3. لطفا خواهشا کمک کنید مشکل با Bind
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    پاسخ ها: 12
    آخرين نوشته: August 22nd, 2013, 11:08
  4. نصب نرافزار bind
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  5. پاسخ ها: 1
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