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موضوع: درخواست مشاوره و کمک در مشکل با شرکت آلمانی Contabo

  1. #1
    کاربر اخراج شده
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2011
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    Lightbulb درخواست مشاوره و کمک در مشکل با شرکت آلمانی Contabo

    سلام خدمت همه دوستان گرامی

    از شما می خواهم متن های زیر را مطالعه کنید و در کمک به من حقیر برای اعاده حقم دریغ نفرمایید

    من چند مدت پیش از شرکت آلمانی Contabo یک سرویس Webspace Package M با دامنه برای یکسال به قیمت 35.88 یورو گرفتم

    بعد ابتدا روی آن یک وردپرس نصب کردم بعد از مدتی

    اولین ایمیل از شرکت دریافت کردم مبنی بر اینکه از سایت من شکایت شده و عمل خلاف فیشینگ گزارش شده
    بعد من بهشون گفتم که توضیح کامل بدید چه کسی شکایت کرده و سریعا سرور مرا از حالت تعلیق در بیاورید بعد دوباره حرف خودشون رو زدند که من در جواب نامه بهشون زدم گفتم که ادعا های شماست و اگه نیازی به سرویسی ندارم واسش 35.88 یورو پرداخت کردم و اکنون برای باز پس گیری اون باید 30 یورو دیگر پرداخت کنم اگر نمی خواهید من مشتری شما باید پول اونو برگردونید دوباره جواب دادند که بی زمت خودتون به متن اصلی بخونید (آخرین متن انگلیسی)

    از شما میخوام با ارده نظرات و پیشنهادات و اگر در وسع خود می توانید کمک کنید نامه ای جدید بزنیم در حق برادر کوچکتان کمک کنید تا مسئله حل شود

    Dear Mr Aghaii,

    We have received complaints about your server, specifically about the domain "kavirankala.com". Please see the forwarded e-mail below for more details. Apparently, your server is used for phishing which is strictly forbidden by our ToS.

    Abuse is a serious threat in the Internet and can cause a huge amount of damage; thus, we ask for your understanding that we must handle abuse strictly and with no tolerance.

    Please take immediate action to stop the ongoing server misuse. It is required that you solve the problem within the next 12 hours, and that we receive your reply within this period, too. Your reply must contain all information which enable us to understand exactly which measures you took to stop the abuse and prevent such or similar incidents in the future.

    We will suspend access to your server if we do not receive your reply within the given time frame, and if the problem is not solved in due time; both is essential - the solution and your response. The reactivation of a server always demands a reactivation fee of at least 30.00 EUR. Please respond in due time to save these expenses.

    We would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

    If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    __________________________________________________ _________

    Please do not change the subject line of this e-mail. Only by this you make sure that your answer will not be out of context.

    Please direct all support issues directly to support@contabo.com .
    This will guarantee fastest processing possible.
    __________________________________________________ _________

    14.12.2016 07:24 - PhishLabs Security Operations schrieb:

    > Our company investigates computer crime incidents on behalf of banks and other
    > companies.
    > A phishing redirect page was found to be operating on your network and targeting
    > Apple customers:
    > hXXps://www.kavirankala.com/wp-content/les/index.php
    > - m3499.contabo.net
    > We kindly request that you disable or remove the phishing redirect file as soon as
    > possible.
    > Thank you for your assistance,
    > Luis P
    > PhishLabs Security Operations
    > soc@phishlabs.com
    > +1.202.386.6001
    > http://www.phishlabs.com
    ************************************************** ************************************************
    ایمیل دوم

    Dear Mr Aghaii,

    Unfortunately, we have not received a reply from you regarding the complaint which we recently forwarded to you by e-mail (please see below).

    We were forced to temporarily suspend access to your Webspace Package in order to avoid further misuse.

    It is our goal to work together with you for any kind of abuse complaint, and you will always be most important to us. Please get in touch with us immediately so that we can reactivate your Webspace Package and you can take the necessary steps to stop the abuse. Before we can proceed, it is required that you send a payment of 30.00 EUR to cover the reactivation fee which we will have to charge for the efforts involved in handling this complaint.

    You can send an immediate payment using PayPal or Skrill in the menu item "Payment information" of your Contabo customer control panel: https://my.Contabo.com

    Alternatively, you can send a regular bank transfer to one of our bank accounts (there is no difference between the two bank accounts - you can use either of them without any advantage or disadvantage):

    1st of 2 existing bank accounts:
    Account holder: Contabo GmbH
    IBAN: DE86 7002 0270 0661 9337 71
    Bank address (for foreign bank transfers):
    Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG
    Lindwurmstraße 83-85
    80337 Munich

    2nd of 2 existing bank accounts:
    Account holder: Contabo GmbH
    IBAN: DE41 7015 0000 1003 7412 69
    Bank address (for foreign bank transfers):
    Stadtsparkasse München
    Sparkassenstraße 2
    80331 Munich

    Since both electronic payment methods are much faster than the bank transfer, we strongly recommend to use PayPal or Skrill. Bank transfers usually take a few days, which would make it impossible to sort out this matter quickly.

    Please reply to this e-mail once you have sent the payment so that we can reactivate your Webspace Package and finally solve this case. If we do not receive your reply, we cannot reactivate your package, even if you have paid for the fee.

    Please note that the temporary suspension does not have an effect on the Wespace Package contract. Without your adequate reaction, the contract will keep on renewing.

    If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *
    جواب من

    I'm mr aghaei

    please explain complety that what abuse server?

    please setup my server I need very to them

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ***
    Dear Mr Aghaii,

    Thank you for reply.

    Kindly be informed that you can find all necessary information regarding this abuse case on the bottom of this e-mail.

    We need to charge a fee of 30.00 EUR for the reactivation of your server to compensate at least partially for our efforts involved in handling this case. Our efforts so far comprise reviewing the case with the complainer, communicating the issue with you, suspending server access, and now unsuspending your server. The communicative, administrative, and technical process already took a lot of time. The fee is necessary since you missed to respond in due time, which is why our efforts considerably exceeded an acceptable level. We already advised you of the reactivation fee in our first e-mail.

    Please reply to this e-mail once you have sent the payment so that we can reactivate your server and finally solve this case. If we do not receive your reply, we cannot reactivate your server, even if you have paid for the fee. Once again please be advised that the temporary suspension does not have an effect on the server contract. Without your adequate reaction, the contract will keep on renewing.

    Please find all information regarding the payment options in our previous e-mail.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    ************************************************** **************************************************

    I'm Mr Alireza aghaei and my Customer ID 123890

    You claim that "we have received a complaint about your server, specifically on the scope of" kavirankala.com" and you said Apparently, your server is used for phishing which is strictly forbidden by our ToS.

    While I have only been on a WordPress installation with a template

    after you suspend access to my server after You asked 30 euro for reactivation


    I do not need to service that I have to pay for it EUR 35.88 because I just installed it for a WordPress and now I've been accused of phishing and again must I pay 30 Euro again

    I want you if you don't want me to be your permanent customer. cancel my service forever and return me the money


    Mr aghaii

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *
    Dear Mr Aghaii,

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    Securing your website is completely within your responsibility. We do understand that you have most likely not installed the phishing site on purpose, but that actually is of no importance at all. What you would have to do is to fix the phishing problem immediately after unsuspension and you would also have to increase the security of your website to avoid similar incidents in the future.

    A refund of payments you have made for your webspace package is definitely not possible. To cover our efforts for handling this abuse case, a payment of 30.00 EUR will be required and we also need your detailed statement about how you are going to solve this case.

    We hope that we could clarify the case now.

    If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  2. # ADS


  3. #2
    عضو انجمن
    تاریخ عضویت
    Oct 2014
    محل سکونت
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : درخواست مشاوره و کمک در مشکل با شرکت آلمانی Contabo

    دوست عزیز وقتی ابیوز بیاد دیتاسنتر سرور شما رو مسدود میکنه که این عادی هست تا مشکل اول حل کنید.
    بعد از حل مشکل میتونید درخواست کنید سرور باز کنند.
    حملات فیشینگ هم چیز خاصی نیست یه سرچی بزنید ببینید ماجرا از چی بوده است.
    کانفیگ فنی و امنیتی سیستم عامل و انواع کنترل پنل های لینوکس cPanel - Directadmin همراه با 8 سال تجربه پذیرفته می شود .
    Telegram: @ramezanniay_mehrshad

اطلاعات موضوع

کاربرانی که در حال مشاهده این موضوع هستند

در حال حاضر 1 کاربر در حال مشاهده این موضوع است. (0 کاربران و 1 مهمان ها)

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