نه با ایران نزدم و هنوز پاسخی ندادن ، یه چیزی من رفتم در صفحه بازیابی پسوورد گزینه چهارم رو زدم و بعد Next کردم گفت alternate ایمیل گفتم نه بعد پرسش ها رو آورد که پرسش ها رو درست جواب دادم و صفحه ریست رمز عبور آورد رمز عبور ها رو وارد کردم اما گفت که ناتوان در تغییر پسورد آنلاین

الانم میخوام دوباره با همون روش وارد بشم وریست کنم دیگه وارد نمیشه و این نوشته ها رو میزنه :

We're sorry you can't use your alternate contact info

We're sorry that you cannot access the alternate email address or mobile number you provided for your account. Would you like to try another email address or mobile number?

Please return on August 03, 2011, after 09:15 CDT, when you will be able to reset your password by answering the secret question you chose for your account. Why must I wait?
و ارور :

Sorry, your password can't be reset online

We're sorry that you cannot access the alternate email address or mobile number you provided for your account. Would you like to try another email address or mobile number?

Please return on August 03, 2011, after 09:15 CDT, when you will be able to reset your password by answering the secret question you chose for your account. Why must I wait?