سلام دوستان
روی یکی از سرورهای هتزنر ما چنین ابیوزی اومده :

> Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) developed by Microsoft is a proprietary

> network protocol for remote administration of Windows systems.

> The RDP service is using port 3389/tcp by default.


> Malicious actors take advantage of RDP services openly accessible from

> anywhere on the Internet for gaining unauthorized access to the

> victims' systems by performing brute-force attacks on weak passwords

> or abusing stolen login credentials. On the dark market, thousands of

> stolen login credentials for RDP services all over the world are sold.

> Those credentials usually have been harvested by malware on the hosts

> used for remote administation of the affected systems.


> In the past months, malicious actors more often installed ransomware

> on the compromised systems to encrypt data and subsequently demand

> ransom from the owners of the systems for the decryption of the data.


> To protect against such kind of attacks, CERT-Bund recommends

> restricting access to RDP services to trusted source IPs or using a

> secure *** connection for accessing the RDP service.


> Affected systems on your network:


> Format: ASN | IP | Timestamp (UTC) | Subject common name



> We would like to ask you to look into this matter or notify your

> customers accordingly.


> This message is digitally signed using PGP.

> Information on the signature key is available at:

> <https://reports.cert-bund.de/en/digital-signature>


> Please note:

> This is an automatically generated message. Replies to the

> sender address <reports@reports.cert-bund.de> will NOT be read

> but silently be discarded. In case of questions, please contact

> <certbund@bsi.bund.de> and keep the ticket number [CB-Report#...]

> of this message in the subject line.




> Mit freundlichen Gren / Kind regards

> Team CERT-Bund


> Bundesamt fr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik

> Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)

> Referat CK22 - CERT-Bund

> Godesberger Allee 185-189, 53175 Bonn, Germany

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