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موضوع: اپدیت رسیلوو

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    عضو دائم mhiizadi آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2013
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    پیش فرض اپدیت رسیلوو

    با توجه به این ایمیلی که فرستاده شده؛ تا 3 فوریه؛ نزدیک یه 40 تا تغییر در پنل ریسلوو ایجاد میشه و خیلی هم میگن رو پنل کار شده؛ به امید اینکه از این بدبختی در بیایم !
    یه افزایش قیمت هایی داشتیم و یه دو تا دامنه هم کاهش در اخر متن ذکر شده که البته بستگی به اسلب هم داره؛ پشتیبانیشون هم خوب شده جدیدا؛ کمتر از 24 ساعت جواب میدن

    Dear namaeee

    Through this e-mail we would like to let you know we’ve improved the Reseller Area and made major changes to its design and functionality. The past few weeks we have worked intensively to complete all improvements.

    We are very proud of the new Reseller Area and expect it to help you even more in growing your business. The changes will go live on Monday the 3rd of February.

    Ofcourse we want you to have a look of all the changes. A total of 40 changes have been made and the list is too long to put into an e-mail. Therefore we’ve set up a PDF which contains screenshots of the new Reseller Area, click here to check it out. If you have any questions regarding the new setup please submit a support ticket through your Reseller Area.

    After the weekend even more changes will be go live, we’ll update you accordingly through a seperate mailing after the weekend. Also keep an eye on recent changes via our migration portal.

    Other updates
    The prices of the following TLD’s will go live on 1-3-2014

    • .NET .BE price increase. The increase will depend on your slab.
    • .CH & .LI price decrease, the decrease will depend on your slab.

    The new prices can be found on our website: https://www.resello.com/what-you-sell/domains.
    ویرایش توسط mhiizadi : January 31st, 2014 در ساعت 19:31

اطلاعات موضوع

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