امروز یک ایمیل با این متن برام اومده :
این دامنه در namecheap.com ثبت شده (امروز درخواست انتقال دادم به دایرکت آی)

ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید :

Dear Registrant Contact,

This notice is to inform you that we have received a Whois Problem Report System (WDPRS) complaint from ICANN in regard to
inaccurate whois contact data associated with your domain name(s):


In accordance with ICANN policy, failure to maintain complete and accurate whois contact details may result in your registration
and/or other Service(s) being suspended or terminated or may not be renewed.

You are required to verify that the current contact data, as it appears in the public whois lookup, is both complete and accurate.
If any updates or changes are required, please make the necessary updates and confirm once completed.

You MUST reply to this message within 15 days (per ICANN policy) in order to avoid the disabling of your domain name registration.

Whois Agent
eNom, Inc., a Demand Media company