با سلام خدمت همه دوستان و همکاران گرامی
بنده دیشب openvz رو روی سرورم نصب کردم اما الان دو تا مشکل دارم
یکی اینکه وقتی وارد هایپر وی ام میشم این ارور میاد:
Alert: hyperVM could not connect to an smtp server on this server. That means that hyperVM will not able to send out any mails. This is very critical since hyperVM monitors the health of the entire cluster and sends email to the admin if there is any problem. You should make sure that the smtp service is running on this server. Once you restart the SMTP service, please wait 5 minutes for this error message to disappear, since hyperVM checks for the service availability only once every 5 minutes.

مشکل دوم اینه که وقتی سرور مجازی میسازم و آی پی رو میدم این ارور رو میده:

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