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موضوع: نیاز به کمک فوری

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  1. #1
    عضو انجمن MelatHOST آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jan 2009
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    232 پست

    پیش فرض نیاز به کمک فوری

    با سلام
    دوستان این ایمیل دیروز واسم ارسال شد به همین آسونی دارن سرور ما رو داخل ovh کنسل میکنن

    Good morning,

    This is Alberto, from Klensein. If you are receiving this e-mail, it means that you currently have or you had a OVH server through us.

    As you probably know, Klensein has been one of the most successful OVH resellers in the world, basically because of the starred "No-set up fees / No minimum permanence" policies. This success has led to a massive servers sign up, as the number of customers grew up, either from individuals, companies or even resellers. This has caused that, within the time, as it is normal, some servers had security leaks which were reported to the Systems Administrators. If there was no reply from them, OVH would eventually shut down the server.

    Now the problem comes when companies split their servers into VPS, allowing more customers to get in, which drastically increases the risk factor, as any VPS node can execute an attack within the OVH Network or to the outside. Also, another problem comes when some resellers do not have any control over their customers: The reseller purchases from me -> I purchase from OVH and the server is delivered to the reseller, who automatically delivers it to his customer. That makes a risk spiral which apparently has blown up right now, as I am not dealing with just one customer who wants to run his company website, but with a dozen of customers who are customers of my customer, as they have the ability to do malicious things.

    I have been working closely with OVH Spain for three years now, but recently they have decided to discontinue our commercial relationship as a large percentage of the overall servers are intended for malicious purposes. That situation is unsustainable for them, and hence they have decided to cut off our bonds, after the OVH Network was massively attacked by some of the servers held by Klensein, which led to a general congestion of the biggest routers in OVH, affecting an entire datacenter. Those servers were immediately shut down, but different incidents, such as scans or copyright infringements, kept the OVH Administrators on alert, until they cannot stand it more.

    After all of this, I received a disclosed letter at the office from OVH SAS Legal Department, which basically says:
    - Klensein is no longer able to order new servers - we can allocate only the ones we have in stock.
    - Klensein is no longer to renew servers after September 20th, 2010.

    This means the following:
    - If your server is expiring BEFORE September 20th, you can renew it normally, for the last time.
    - If your server expires AFTER September 20th and you want to keep your server, you MUST renew it BEFORE that date.

    After that date, September 20th, your remaining services will expire as per their expiration date. For example: If you renew your server for three months on September 18th, your server will expire on December 18th.

    Klensein has tried to negotiate with OVH through the phone and mail, but they are reluctant to listen. We also created a forum post in the OVH Spanish forum, where we received a big support from the members, but not from the CEO of OVH, who also replied in that forum post. You can find the mentioned forum thread here: OVH me cierra m

    Klensein is willing to give the best support and the easiest transition to you, as a customer of us. We will also be offering discounts for 3, 6 and 12 months renewals, so we can help you to make it more affordable, and that way you can still keep your server at the best price of the market. Please send us an e-mail so we can negotiate, if you want to extend your service with us.

    Also, if you have any question, you can reach us through the following contact methods, even though we fully encourage you to use the e-mail, so we can understand your questions completely:
    ویرایش توسط MelatHOST : September 10th, 2010 در ساعت 02:43

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