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موضوع: کانفیگ ConfigServer eXploit Scanner - cxs v6.32

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    کاربر اخراج شده
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    Mar 2014
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    پیش فرض کانفیگ ConfigServer eXploit Scanner - cxs v6.32

    با سلام و عرض ادب
    دوستان نسخه جدید cxs با ورژن های قبل متفاوت هست .
    1 - اگر بخوام به صورت زنده شل ها رو شناسایی و پاک کنه باید چه کار کنم ؟
    2 - آموزش کانفیگ ابتدایی آنتی شل رو کجا میتونم پیدا کنم ؟

  2. #2
    عضو دائم هاست 97 آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : کانفیگ ConfigServer eXploit Scanner - cxs v6.32

    درون پلاگین CXS بخشی هست با نام Documents
    تمام آموزش ها بصورت دقیق در آن وجود دارد

    - - - Updated - - -

    ################################################################################ Copyright 2009-2016, Way to the Web Limited
    # URL: http://www.configserver.com
    # Email: sales@waytotheweb.com
    1. Product installation:
    	wget http://download.configserver.com/cxsinstaller.tgz
    	tar -xzf cxsinstaller.tgz
    	perl cxsinstaller.pl
    	rm -fv cxsinstaller.*
    2. You should now read the cxs documentation either through:
    	1. The UI
    	2. # perldoc cxs
    	3. # cxs --help
    If you decide to use the cxs Watch daemon you can skip items 3 to 5. Instead,
    read the documentation under the cxs Watch Daemon section on using this method.
    To install the required perl module for the cxs Watch daemon on a cPanel server
    you can use:
    	/scripts/perlinstaller Linux::Inotify2
    3. You will want to modify the following files to suit your requirements after
       you have read the cxs documentation and studied the CLI option. These files
       can be changed at any time and contain the cxs commands and options you want
       to use for scanning files as they are uploaded:
    	The pure-ftpd upload scanner script that runs cxs:
    	The web script upload scanner script that runs cxs:
    4. Web script upload scanning is performed via mod_security.
       This can be enabled two ways:
       a. Add the following two lines (be careful of line breaks) to your mod_security
          rules file (/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf on cPanel):
    	SecRequestBodyAccess On
    	SecRule FILES_TMPNAMES "@inspectFile /etc/cxs/cxscgi.sh" \
    	SecUploadKeepFiles RelevantOnly
    	SecTmpDir /tmp
    	If you allow the uploading of very large files, you may need to 
    	increase the default mod_security allowable size of 128MB by using the
    	SecRequestBodyLimit directive after SecRequestBodyAccess:
    	SecRequestBodyLimit 134217728
    	This value is in bytes (134217728 = 128MB). You might also want to
    	create the temporary files in a directory other than /tmp using:
    	SecTmpDir /path/to/dir
    	Where /path/to/dir is a directory where the large files can be
    	temporarily stored and must be writable to by the nobody user
    	Then restart httpd
       b. Use the inbuilt cPanel ModSecurity Vendor Rules mechanism by either:
            1. WHM > ModSecurity Vendors > Add Vendor > Vendor Configuration URL
    	   Save and then restart httpd
    	2. Issue the following commands:
               /scripts/modsec_vendor add https://download.configserver.com/waf/meta_configserver.yaml
               /scripts/modsec_vendor enable configserver
               Then restart httpd
        You can have the ConfigServer Vendor enabled along with any other Vendor
        that you may already be using.
    5. Pure-ftpd upload scanning requires you to edit the active pure-ftpd.conf
       (e.g. /etc/pure-ftpd.conf) and adding/modifying the line:
    	CallUploadScript yes
       Note: Pure-ftpd must be compiled with --with-uploadscript option (usually
       done by default)
       On Linux:
       Then restart pure-ftpd and pure-uploadscript. The installation process adds
       a new service in /etc/init.d/pure-uploadscript which runs as a daemon and
       passes ftp uploads to /etc/cxs/cxsftp.sh
       On FreeBSD:
       Then add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:
       Then restart pure-ftpd
    6. ClamAV scanning requires a running clamd daemon. By default cxs will look
       for the clamd socket at /tmp/clamd and /var/clamd, if it is located
       elsewhere then you must use the --clamdsock option and pass the socket
       location in every cxs call (i.e. in cxsftp.sh, cxscgi.sh and the cxs CLI) or
       use a cxs.defaults file.
    7. If you want automatic updates then use the following as an example:
    	ln -s /etc/cxs/cxsdaily.sh /etc/cron.daily/
    8. You can test ModSecurity upload checks by running the following command
       which will trigger the cxs ModSecurity rule if correctly configured:
       curl -F "file=@/etc/cxs/test/testexploit.php"
       To test FTP uploads, download /etc/cxs/test/testexploit.php and then upload
       using ftp.
    9. See the RECOMMENDATIONS in the cxs POD documentation
    Webmin Module Installation/Upgrade (not yet implemented)
    To install or upgrade the cxs webmin module:
    Install cxs as above
    Install the cxs webmin module in:
      Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Webmin Modules >
      From local file > /etc/cxs/cxswebmin.tgz > Install Module
    1. On non-cPanel servers: Reverse items 4, 5 and 7 above.
    2. On all servers, including cPanel:
    cd /etc/cxs
    sh uninstall.sh cd /root
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  3. تعداد تشکر ها از هاست 97 به دلیل پست مفید

  4. #3
    کاربر اخراج شده
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    Mar 2014
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : کانفیگ ConfigServer eXploit Scanner - cxs v6.32

    ممنون از شما جناب host97
    ولی من خیلی زبانم خوب نیست . امکانش هست دقیق تر راهنمایی بفرماید که برای ریل تایم کردن آنتی شلر باید چه کاری انجام بدم ؟
    بعد الان چند وقتی هست گزارش ایمیل بالا برام میاد . متوجه نمیشم مشکل چی هست و باید چه کار بکنم .
    وقعا ممنون که بدون هیچ چشم داشتی به سوالات بنده پاسخ میدید ...
    ویرایش توسط server4u : March 8th, 2017 در ساعت 09:52

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موضوعات مشابه

  1. درخواست لایسنس CXS - ConfigServer eXploit Scanner
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    پاسخ ها: 11
    آخرين نوشته: April 7th, 2016, 12:05
  2. ConfigServer eXploit Scanner (cxs) installation on CentOS and DirectAdmin
    توسط web2iran.ir در انجمن دايرکت ادمين DirectAdmin
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  3. نصب ConfigServer eXploit Scanner در سرور ایران
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