توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : مشکل با vmware (راهنمایی کنید)

February 17th, 2013, 08:56
As a follow up to this ticket, and since the server is not managed by us and we can not login to troubleshoot further, I did the following troubleshooting on the network side.
I tested one of the IPs that you reported as down.
That ip was not responding to ping from the network switch. But when I cleared the arp cache for that IP, it immediately started responding to pings.
The mac address of that ip: 0050.5699.1043 , has not changed ever after clearing the arp cache.
My conclusion from this simple test is that you have a misconfigured VM that is causing problems for the other VMs.
I highly recommend that you check all the VMs and specifically look for a VM that is using the default gateway as its primary ip address.

One way of trying to figure that out, is just by consoling one of the VMs that is not responding, and then dump the arp table (in Linux you can use the command "arp -an")
then look for the mac address associated with and that will point you to the misconfigured vm.

Please let me know if you have further questions


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اينطور که از اين تيکت معلومه و تا اونجايي که اين سرور توسط ما کنترل نمي شه و ما نمي تونيم وارد مشکل بشيم.من پيگير مشکل تو نت هستم.
من يکي از اين آي پي هايي که شما گفتيد پايين اومده رو تست کردم.
اون آي پي پينگ نداد.
اما وفتي کش اي آر پي اون آي پي رو پا کردم ،‌شروع به پينگ دادن کرد
اين آدرس
حتي بعد از پاک کردن کش هم تغيير نکرد.
نتيجه من از اين تست ساده اين هست که کانفيگ وي ام رو کامل انجام ندادي و اين بخاطر مشکلات ديگر وي ام ها هست.
من پيشنهاد مي دم که شما کل وي ام ها چک کنيد و بويژه بگردين دنبال يه وي ام که استفاده مي شه که آي پي اينه
يکي از روش ها براي حل ، استفاده از دستگاه رادار يکي از وي ام هايي هست که جواب نمي ده ، و سپس بندازين اي آر پي رو "خودم نفهميدم دقيق اينجارو"
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