توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : حل مشکل متصل نشدن dns به سرور

April 22nd, 2016, 20:31
با سلام خدمت همه دوستان عزیز و همکاران گرامی
دوستان جدول زیرو ببینید

Test name
Informationsend feedback (http://www.intodns.com/feedback/?KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=300&width=240)

Domain NS records
Nameserver records returned by the parent servers are:

ns2.baatoe.ir. [''] [TTL=1440]
ns1.baatoe.ir. [''] [TTL=1440]

ir.cctld.authdns.ripe.net was kind enough to give us that information.

TLD Parent Check
Good. ir.cctld.authdns.ripe.net, the parent server I interrogated, has information for your TLD. This is a good thing as there are some other domain extensions like "co.us" for example that are missing a direct check.

Your nameservers are listed
Good. The parent server ir.cctld.authdns.ripe.net has your nameservers listed. This is a must if you want to be found as anyone that does not know your DNS servers will first ask the parent nameservers.

DNS Parent sent Glue
Good. The parent nameserver sent GLUE, meaning he sent your nameservers as well as the IPs of your nameservers. Glue records are A records that are associated with NS records to provide "bootstrapping" information to the nameserver.(see RFC 1912 section 2.3)

Nameservers A records
Good. Every nameserver listed has A records. This is a must if you want to be found.

NS records from your nameservers
NS records got from your nameservers listed at the parent NS are:
Oups! I could not get any nameservers from your nameservers (the ones listed at the parent server). Please verify that they are not lame nameservers and are configured properly.

Recursive Queries
Good. Your nameservers (the ones reported by the parent server) do not report that they allow recursive queries for anyone.

Same Glue
Hmm,I do not consider this to be an error yet, since I did not detect any nameservers at your nameservers.

Glue for NS records
OK. Your nameservers (the ones reported by the parent server) have no ideea who your nameservers are so this will be a pass since you already have a lot of errors!

Mismatched NS records
WARNING: One or more of your nameservers did not return any of your NS records.

DNS servers responded
ERROR: One or more of your nameservers did not respond:
The ones that did not respond are:

Name of nameservers are valid
OK. The nameservers reported by the parent send out nothing as shown above. I can't check nothing so it's a green!

Multiple Nameservers
ERROR: Looks like you have less than 2 nameservers. According to RFC2182 section 5 you must have at least 3 nameservers, and no more than 7. Having 2 nameservers is also ok by me.

Nameservers are lame
OK. All the nameservers listed at the parent servers answer authoritatively for your domain.

Missing nameservers reported by parent
OK. All NS records are the same at the parent and at your nameservers.

Missing nameservers reported by your nameservers
You should already know that your NS records at your nameservers are missing, so here it is again:


Domain CNAMEs
OK. RFC1912 2.4 and RFC2181 10.3 state that there should be no CNAMEs if an NS (or any other) record is present.

NSs CNAME check
OK. RFC1912 2.4 and RFC2181 10.3 state that there should be no CNAMEs if an NS (or any other) record is present.

Different subnets
OK. Looks like you have nameservers on different subnets!

IPs of nameservers are public
Ok. Looks like the IP addresses of your nameservers are public. This is a good thing because it will prevent DNS delays and other problems like

DNS servers allow TCP connection
OK. Seems all your DNS servers allow TCP connections. This is a good thing and useful even if UDP connections are used by default.

Different autonomous systems
OK. It seems you are safe from a single point of failure. You must be careful about this and try to have nameservers on different locations as it can prevent a lot of problems if one nameserver goes down.

Stealth NS records sent
Ok. No stealth ns records are sent

SOA record
No valid SOA record came back!

MX Records
Oh well, I did not detect any MX records so you probably don't have any and if you know you should have then they may be missing at your nameservers!

WWW A Record
ERROR: I could not get any A records for www.baatoe.ir (http://www.baatoe.ir)!

(I only do a cache request, if you recently added a WWW A record, it might not show up here.)

و همچنین اینجارو ببینید


دیشب پایدهای اپاچی httpd به شدت بالا رفت و مجبور به ریبوت کردن سرور گرفتم از داخل خود دایرکت ادمین از طریق ( Service Monitor ) . بعد از ریبوت شدن تمامی پورت ها به غیر از 22 بسته شدن و خودم پورت های 21 و 80 و 443 رو باز کردم
واقدام به نصب انجین ایکس کردم ( کانفیگ بدون مشکل و به صورت حرفه ای انجام دادم )
حال دامنه با سرور ست نمیشه
ایا باید پورت دیگری باز شه
و csf هم نصب نکردم

- - - Updated - - -

دوستان پورت های ضروری دیگهای مانند

25 و 587 : پورت smpt برای ارسال ایمیل ( در بعضی isp ها در ایران پورت 25 مسدود شده است که مشترکین می توانند به جای آن از پورت 587 استفاده نمایند)
53 : برای سرویس dns ( سرویس named) جهت پیدا کردن وب سایت های شما – این پورت باید در tcp و udp باز شود.
80 و 443 : برای ترافیک وب سرور ( به طور پیش فرض آپاچی ) برای پروتکل های http و https
110 و 995 : برای دسترسی به ایمیل به وسیله pop
143 و 993 : برای دسترسی به ایمیل به وسیله imap
هم باز کردم اما مشکل حل نشده

April 23rd, 2016, 02:08
واقعا نمیدونم توی انجمن چند هزار نفره مشکلو ندون

حل شد

میگم مشکلو شاید کسی به این مشکل واسش پیش بیاد
بعد از ریستارت کردن فایروال سرور ( csf رو نمیگم ) مشکل حل شد

April 23rd, 2016, 02:44
واقعا نمیدونم توی انجمن چند هزار نفره مشکلو ندون

حل شد

میگم مشکلو شاید کسی به این مشکل واسش پیش بیاد
بعد از ریستارت کردن فایروال سرور ( csf رو نمیگم ) مشکل حل شد

اینجا اگه بلدم باشن 90% نمیگن.
به دلایلی که خودت بهتر میدونی
فقط میان آفر میدن