توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : یک ترجمه از تیکت

June 27th, 2010, 20:31
با سلام
من تیکت میدم به دیتاسنتر ها به زبان انگلیسی با کمک گوگل ولی ایندفه خیلی زیاد نوشتند موندم :d
آخه میدونید که کامل ترجمه نمی کنه
از سرویس تیکت cpanel
======== من اینو گفتم با کمک گوگل

This e-mail system from the server I always wanted to see the problem comes from where
How do I remove

spamd failed @ Sun Jun 27 07:41:33 2010. A restart was attempted automagically.
Service Check Method: [check command]

Cmd Service Check Raw Output: Spamd is not running

==============اولی اینو جواب داد


Thank you for your email regarding this issue and I apologize for the delay in response. Your message has been received by our customer service department.

Your issue will be best reviewed by one of our Technical Analysts. I will forward you to their department at this time.

In order to diagnose the problem with the server, we will need the main ip address and root password. (a user with root permissions or sudo is not sufficient, as true root access is required since sudo can have limits set and even though a user may be 0 its name may limit certain functions that expect 'root').

Ip Address:
Root Password:

If your system requires login as an unprivileged user before root login please provide an account to login to as well.

Thank you for your patience,


Kony Salmeron
Customer Service Representative
cPanel, Inc.

================ دومی اینو


I wanted to inform you that we’ve received your support request. In order to diagnose the problem with the server, we will need the main IP address and root password. (a user with root permissions or sudo is not sufficient, as true root access is required since sudo can have limits set and even though a user may be 0 its name may limit certain functions that expect 'root').

IP Address:
Root Password:
SSH Port:

If your system requires login as an unprivileged user before root login please provide an account to login to as well.

Wheel Group User:

**** If you are having a problem that affects a specific account, please provide the username and password to that account. If this problem affects ALL accounts, please provide ONE or TWO logins and password for the affected accounts. ****

cPanel or Email User:

Please ensure that your firewall settings allow remote connections from our IP addresses.
Our staff may be attempting connections from the following IP addresses:

If you prefer to provide access information via telephone, please contact our customer service department by calling 713.529.0800 between 6am and 6pm, Central Standard Time. When calling, please be sure to reference the ticket ID.

**During this call, you will not be speaking directly with a Technical Analyst. To speak directly with an Analyst, you must purchase a phone incident from http://www.cpanel.net/store.

Thank you.

Matthew Curry
Linux Analyst

میترسم بگم ایران چون تحریمیم
میخواستم ببینم منظورشون دقیق چیه؟
آیا میشه بهشون اطمینان کرد و یوزر و پس سرور رو داد؟
شاید در بخش مناسب نباشه ولی گفتم چون تیکت دادم و جواب تیکت رو میخواستم ترجمشو بدونم سوال هم کرده باشم بقیه رو
با تشکر

June 27th, 2010, 20:42
یوزر و پسورد رو میخواد باید بهشون بدی بعد اخرش هم گفته تماس بگیر ما این شماره و ساعت هم گفته بهتون
دو راه دارید یا بی خیال بشید یا اینکه اطلاعات رو بدید تا برسی کنند اخرش میفهمن ایرانی هستید و خدا رحممتون کنه .
اصلا نیازی نیست حرفی از ایران بزنید اگر بازم دیدید که نمیتونید مکاتبه کنید یه دوست خوب دارم زبان انگلیسیش در حد بسیار بالایی هست دوست داشتید اطلاعاتش رو میدم باهاش تماس بگیرید .

June 27th, 2010, 20:52
تو همینجا بدم یا نه به یک کدوم که عشقم میکشه بدم به نظرت؟
چون ساپورت خود Cpanel بهتر از ساپورت خود دیتاسنتر هست ، آخه وی پی اس گرفتم و میگه رم رو افزایش بده تا درست کنم:d