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موضوع: بهترین هاست خارجی برای سایت های پر بازدید (مثل سایت های تبلیغاتی)

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  1. #1
    عضو جدید
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jul 2015
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    پیش فرض بهترین هاست خارجی برای سایت های پر بازدید (مثل سایت های تبلیغاتی)

    با سلام...

    به نظر شما یه هاست خارجی خوب می تونه پاسخگوی سایتای پر بازدیدی مثل سایت های تبلیغاتی باشه یا اینکه حتما نیاز به سرور اختصاصی هستش ؟
    خودم مد نظرم Byethost هستش... ساپورتشون بی نظیره.... اما در مورد چالش های فضای نامحدود و امنیت اطلاعات ازشون سوال پرسیدم که در جواب بهم گفتن:

    Unlimited Disk Space Policy

    Hi Byethost

    I'm one of your fans and I've been using your free webhosting for a long time and I'm already more than happy with it.
    Now I want to switch to the premium. however your policy regarding the unlimited disk space reminds me of this website warnings:

    you know, I don't have a very fast internet and my uploads may not even go beyond 20 gig per a year. I would never use the host for personal archives and all the contents are web related. however I'm scared to see an unexpected action like, I don't know, seeing my website vanish into the thin air before receiving any warning or specific reason. the contents of my website are way important for me and I don't want to lose them at all...

    I would really appreciate it if you could shed some light regarding this policy...


    Hi there,

    we do not have unlimited size hard drives, and therefore on shared hosting we do enforce acceptable usage of storage.
    we assign blocks of space to each user, 20 GB will not be a problem, but once this is used (and if our TOS has not been broken in the process) we may increase the space.

    You have unlimited space till our servers detect that TOS is being breached, then the limits are applied rather than suspending the hosting account.
    we never delete any data from an account unless we have permission from the owner of the account.

    if or when a disk space limit is reached you will not be able to upload more data until your account is assessed / checked.
    please see;

    then let us know if there is anything further we can do for you.

    Best Regards

  2. تعداد تشکر ها ازS.T.A.R.S به دلیل پست مفید

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موضوعات مشابه

  1. درخواست معرفی سایت تبلیغاتی
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  2. پاسخ ها: 11
    آخرين نوشته: July 31st, 2015, 19:32
  3. درخواست معرفی سایت تبلیغاتی خارجی
    توسط sarwhost در انجمن مباحث دیگر
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  4. درخواست طراحی سایت تبلیغاتی
    توسط aspmaker در انجمن برنامه نویسی
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  5. درخواست یک طراح بنر تبلیغاتی برای سایت
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