نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط A-750 نمایش پست ها
ممکنه بپرسم این دستور دقیقا چیکار میکنه؟

Size of unswappable memory in bytes, allocated by the operating system kernel.

It includes all the kernel internal data structures associated with the container's processes, except the network buffers discussed below. These data structures reside in the first gigabyte of the computer's RAM, so called “low memory”.

This parameter is related to the number of processes (numproc). Each process consumes certain amount of kernel memory — 24 kilobytes at minimum, 30–60 KB typically. Very large processes may consume much more than that.

It is important to have a certain safety gap between the barrier and the limit of the kmemsize parameter (for example, 10%, as in UBC configuration examples). Equal barrier and limit of the kmemsize parameter may lead to the situation where the kernel will need to kill container's applications to keep the kmemsize usage under the limit.

Kmemsize limits can't be set arbitrarily high. The total amount of kmemsize consumable by all containers in the system plus the socket buffer space (see below) is limited by the hardware resources of the system. This total limit is discussed in “low memory”.