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موضوع: اطلاعیه فوری در مورد آپدیت امنیتی whmcs v5.3.6 v5.2.17

  1. #1
    عضو انجمن hassan5099 آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    Nov 2011
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    پیش فرض اطلاعیه فوری در مورد آپدیت امنیتی whmcs v5.3.6 v5.2.17

    چند دقیقه قبل ایمیل شده
    لینک مستقیم است

    WHMCS Security Advisory TSR-2014-0002
    WHMCS - WHMCS Security Advisory TSR-2014-0002

    WHMCS has released new updates for all supported versions of WHMCS. These
    updates include changes that address security concerns within the WHMCS

    WHMCS has rated these updates as having a moderate to trivial security impact.
    Information on security ratings can be found at
    Security Levels - WHMCS Documentation

    Please update your installation to one of the following versions:

    == Patches ==

    Incremental patches can be downloaded by following the links below.

    These patch sets contain only the files that have changed between the previous
    release and this update. The previous release version that these patch sets are
    designed for is clearly indicated as the first and smaller number.

    5.3.5 --> 5.3.6 http://go.whmcs.com/378/v535_incremental_to_v536_patch
    MD5 Checksum: 42dd3cd44e1fc9308e9b7ecb0a3b956d

    5.2.16 --> 5.2.17 http://go.whmcs.com/374/v5216_increm...to_v5217_patch
    MD5 Checksum: 542b2eb940066317d3190e2cf9986ee0

    Need a patch for an older version? Visit our downloads page:
    Download WHMCS

    To apply a patch set release, download the files as indicated above. Then follow
    the upgrade instructions for a "Patch Set" which can be found at
    Upgrading - WHMCS Documentation

    == Full Release ==

    A full release distribution contains all the files of a WHMCS product
    installation. It can be used to both perform a new installation or update an
    existing one (regardless of previous version).

    5.3.6 Full Version - Download Now Download WHMCS
    MD5 Checksum: 4a136a87e2c360350daa2cf7d8b7a048

    To apply a full release, download the release from the URL above. Then follow
    the upgrade instructions for a "Full Release Version" which can be
    found at Upgrading - WHMCS Documentation

    Security Issue Information

    The security changes in these releases address 11 privately reported issues
    through our security bounty program, and 1 issue discovered internally by the
    WHMCS Development Team. The issues addressed are rated as having Moderate to
    Trivial security impact.

    Once sufficient time has passed to allow WHMCS customers to update their
    installed software, WHMCS will release additional information regarding the
    nature of the security issues.

    Maintenance Issue Information

    This release also provides resolution for a number of maintenance issues. For
    full details please refer to the change logs for each respective version:

    V5.3.6 - Changelog:WHMCS V5.3 - WHMCS Documentation
    V5.2.17 - Changelog:WHMCS V5.2 - WHMCS Documentation

    All published and supported versions of WHMCS prior to 5.3.6 are affected by one
    or more of these maintenance and security issues.

    Mob:09371242204 Tel:076-44321933


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  3. # ADS


  4. #2
    عضو جدید
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : اطلاعیه فوری در مورد آپدیت امنیتی whmcs v5.3.6 v5.2.17

    متاسفانه من قبل از آپدیت قربانی شدم و ایمیل های مشخصات محصول مشتریان سرقت و مورد سوء استفاده قرار گرفت..

  5. #3
    عضو انجمن adamak آواتار ها
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : اطلاعیه فوری در مورد آپدیت امنیتی whmcs v5.3.6 v5.2.17

    لطفا دوستانی که لایسنس دارند اخرین نسخه فول رو در اینجا قرار بدن .. ممنون
    هاست وارزاستادارد و حرفه ای
    نمایندگی لینوکس
    سرورهای مجازی با منابع کاملا اختصاصی
    www.Avahosting.ir info@avahosting.ir گروه میزبانی وب اواهاست

  6. #4
    عضو انجمن uoogle آواتار ها
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    پیش فرض پاسخ : اطلاعیه فوری در مورد آپدیت امنیتی whmcs v5.3.6 v5.2.17

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