نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط shivahost نمایش پست ها
We have received this warning from cPanel.net- the corporate controllers of all the cPanel licenses. Commonly this occurs because of any Iranian domain or contacts on your cPanel server. Any Iranian hostname must be removed and changed. The data and websites pertaining to IRAN must be removed. No .ir domain name should be on your servers. Please let us know when you have accomplished this so we can mark your account as compliant, we can remove their warnings, and prevent expiration of this license. You will need to do this ASAP or within 48 hours at maximum!
این چند وقت زیاد از تحریم شنیده بودم، اما کسی رسما نگفته بود که بلاک شده!!!
این پیغام چیزی جز توهین نداره...